Morgan Mandriota

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KomaCoast™ Announces Its Official Launch As The "New Generation Collective"

Today, December 23, 2016, is a day that will go down in infamy.After a long-awaited last few weeks of built anticipation from teaser "12.23.2016" social media posts, "the new generation collective" KomaCoast™ has finally launched into the public eye.What is KomaCoast™? KomaCoast™ is a music, art, design, and media agency composed of a unique showcase of talented professionals and success-hungry individuals. With a little bit of stardust and a lot of late night adrenaline (as I write this at 2am), the new team is officially setting out to make its mark on the artist management and digital industries -- and the world.Phil Francavilla, a multi-tasking pro and creative mastermind, stands as the nucleus of this venture. I am proud to say he's not only a good friend but a fellow team member of mine as well. I am so excited to announce not only the launch of this brand but also my participation in its growth.Cheers!Follow us on our journey to success and world domination! KomaCoast™ can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and their official website at tuned for updates, events, new media, artists, blog posts (I'll  be contributing!), and more. The team has amazing things in store for you, including the release of up-and-coming artist Vibelingual. KomaCoast™ is "the new generation collective."