The 19 Types Of People You’re Friends With On Social Media

I think it’s a safe assumption to say 99.9% of us have a social media account, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat. I also think it’s safe to say 99.9% of us are “friends” with the same type of people on these platforms.After being on social since the good old Myspace days, I’ve compiled a list of the many different types of people I’ve noticed exist on my “friends” list who fill my news feed with the same old shit.  Here are the 19 types of people you’re friends with on social media: 1. The one you don’t know personally but are cool with.You’ve never met this person, yet you guys are super cool. This person comments on your status updates. They appreciate your witty jokes. They even like your selfies. They just get you. You’re practically social media best friends (PS: There’s a meme going around about this with Hey Arnold and the giant turtle high-fiving which is SO accurate). 2. The political person.There’s at least one person on your friends list who either does know what they’re talking about when it comes to politics or doesn’t, but it doesn’t matter. They will literally post every single update on presidential debates, whether or not they like Donald Trump, how they’re feeling the Bern, why our country is doomed, whatever. Either way, they need to shut up and leave politics off social media… and everywhere else for that matter. 3. The philosophical wizard.Whether they actually do or just pretend to, this person is super philosophical and grounded and knows so much about the world. You either hate them or you love them. You want to tell them how they profoundly impact your life with their positivity or you want to punch them in the face and tell them to shut up. There is no in between. 4. The yogi.The yogi posts pictures and/or videos of their insanely cool yoga poses. This friend motivates you to join a yoga class so you can do headstands on mountain tops like they can… but you never join a yoga class. You just look at this person’s updates in awe and wish you could be them. 5. The fitness guru.This person makes sure that you know whenever he/she works out. Gym check-ins, transformation Tuesday posts, protein shakes and smoothies -- the fitness guru’s got you covered with all of the above. 6. That one family member who comments on all of your posts.“HEY LAURA THIS IS A VERY NICE PICTURE TELL MOM I  SAID HELLO MISS YOU GUYS SEE YOU IN TWO MONTHS FOR COUSIN SARA’S COMMUNION I HOPE JOHNNY DOESN’T EAT ALL THE CAKE AGAIN LOL!!! --AUNT MARGARET” 7. The Negative Nancy.The dreaded Debbie Downer. The always negative Negative Nancy. The one who NEVER has anything positive to say whether it’s on your statuses or on their own wall. To all of you Negative Nancies out there, do us all a favor and either brighten up or deactivate your account and gtfo. 8. The girl who’s insanely obsessed with and in love with her boyfriend.There are two types of these girls. One is the girl who’s obsessed with her boyfriend after dating for three years… The other is the girl who’s obsessed with her boyfriend after dating for three weeks. Both equally in love. Both equally annoying.  9. The conspiracy theorist.Chemtrails, 9/11, ISIS, Monsanto, Illuminati, the Elite... the anti-corporate, the anti-religion, the Zika virus, the fact that there’s a cure for cancer but it’s being hidden from us, now poor Harambe the Gorilla… WHEN DOES IT END? Probably when we all die when the government turns off our microchip implants. 10. The one who likes all of your posts.You can always count on this person to like your stuff. Status update, shared video, relationship change, death in the family -- it doesn’t matter. He/she always has your back. 11. The foodie.Whether it’s BuzzFeed Tasty videos or their own cooking, organic or not, you can always count on the foodie to share delicious food posts. 12. The one who you stay friends with just to creep on.Whether it’s your ex, a friend’s ex, a new boyfriend/girlfriend’s ex (let’s be real, it’s mostly due to exes), you’re only friends with this person so you can creep on their posts. You have no genuine interest in their life. You might actually despise this person’s existence. However, you keep them around because you want to keep tabs. 13. The one who lets you know everything he or she is doing every single moment of the day every single day.Going to the gym! Finally in bed after a long day! Making breakfast then going to school! Just woke up! Just inhaled then exhaled! Sound familiar? Same. 14. The club/event promoter.You have yet to attend a single event that the promoter has invited you to, but he/she keeps on sending those invites.  15. The Candy Crusher or other game inviter.NO! I WILL NOT PLAY CANDY CRUSH OR ANY OF YOUR OTHER DAMN GAMES. STOP TRYING TO SUMMON ME.  16. The argumentative asshole.I’m thinking of one person right now. So are you. 17. The old high school friend(s) who you haven’t talked to since graduation.You guys graduated and haven’t talked since, but you’re friends on social media. You occasionally like their posts when they pop up in the news feed, but you guys never actually go out of your way to speak to one another. If it wasn’t for social, you’d have no idea if this person even still existed. 18. The old high school friend(s) who you keep in touch but only because you’re friends on social media.If it wasn’t for Facebook or Instagram, you wouldn’t have been friends with this person after graduation. This social relationship actually bonded you guys closer. You like each other’s posts and comment on each other’s life accomplishments. Who would have thought social media would bring you guys closer after all these years? Certainly not you back in high school! And last but not least... 19. The selfie king/queen.We ALL have the friend(s) who post selfies every day or at least 3x/week. There is no forgetting what this person looks like. We get it. We see you. Please... stop posting selfies. #nofilter I think that just about covers it! Did I leave anybody out? Is your friends list similar to mine? If not, how can I go about making my friends list look like yours? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below or tweet me at @MorganMandriota.Don’t forget to share this post on social media and tag your friends with their # (unless they’re 8, 12, or 16)!  Thanks for reading!  

3 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is The Perfect Career Path For Writers

I've always been a writer by nature, but I've finally found a way to combine my love of writing with a new, innovative, rapidly growing, insanely interesting career field -- content marketing!After becoming the SEO & Creative Content Director, then eventually creating my own lifestyle and writing blog, I hope to pass some of my hard-earned gold nugget wisdom on to you, aspiring writers and marketers. Here are three reasons why content marketing is the perfect career path for writers: 

1. You are most likely already well-versed in the ability to write (and write well) on a variety of topics. 

In college, English majors are required to make the rounds in various different courses related to writing and literature. Each course would demand at least one to four papers per semester, ranging in size from one to ten pages per essay. As a result, we ultimately become experts in the art of translating, quite literally, anything into grammatically correct, beautifully worded content magic.As a content marketer, whether you work as a freelancer or as a team player within a company, you will be writing about an expansive range of topics, including evergreen, trending, industry specific, and beyond. With overall writing skills, composing 250-to 500-word press releases, 800-word blogs, or successful newsletter content is more of an interesting challenge than an actual difficulty (plus, if you truly enjoy writing, these tasks will be *fun* rather than boring or draining). 

2. Content and digital marketing is a rapidly growing, insanely popular, ever-increasing industry. 

Although digital marketing is a newer realm, don't doubt its power!Since the dawn of the Internet, traditional marketing venues like newspaper ads and TV commercials have taken a significant hit. Ranging from social media management to search engine optimization (SEO) to email marketing, the industry is expanding at mind blowing speeds.It is a proven fact that people browse for companies, products, and services via smartphones and search engines more so than through newspapers or phone books. According to HubSpot, content marketing alone generates 3x as many leads as opposed to traditional outbound marketing tactics.If you're looking for job security in a constantly evolving yet fascinating and growing industry, it's safe to say that careers within the digital marketing industry, like content marketing, are here to stay for a while. 

3. Use your preexisting skills to make a difference in a brand’s bottom line.

What's really cool about content marketing, IMHO, is that our job is to use our already existing skills in driving sales for businesses.Why is that cool?Because our skill in writing puts money in other people's pockets. Our skill in writing promotes brand awareness and drives traffic to company websites and store locations to increase conversions and, ultimately, client revenue.The coolest part?We do this for a pay check. We do what we're good at for a living -- and THAT is something I see worth pursuing for a long time to come. So, writers, what's your future career goal? Have you considered or already landed in the content/digital marketing realm? Share your thoughts in the comments below or tweet me at @MorganMandriota.Thanks for reading hawk + pearl. Hope to see you back again soon! 

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3 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is The Perfect Career Path For Writers

So She Didn't Text Back

One day everything is fantastic. You’re texting a girl all day every day. You’re making her laugh. You’re making her think. Your emoji game is fire emoji. But then, all of a sudden, you get nothing. Radio silence. So, uh, she didn’t text back… Take a deep breath. She’s probably busy. Yes, sure, she usually answers within 10 minutes. Whether she’s sitting at home or she’s busy at work, she always texts back within 10 minutes. But today is different. She’s super busy or whatever. Anddd she just posted a new selfie on Instagram. Relax. She probably just doesn’t have service. She must have tried to post that photo an hour ago, but because she has no service, it only now went through. We truly take LTE for granted. What a time to be alive! Wait, who are all those guys liking her photo? Jesus, it’s only been up for 6 minutes and ten guys have double tapped it... Go ahead. Send that "What are you doing now?" text. No response again? Hahaha, yeah, no worries. Her phone is probably at 1% and she’s saving her battery for the remainder of the day. Be cool, man. You told her you really liked her the other day, so why would she be ignoring you now? Is it because you’ve been double and triple texting her all weekend? Girls like when you show that you’re interested, right? Yeah, that can’t be it. COOL. She just posted a new Snapchat story. COOL. Okay, put your phone down for a little bit. Obviously she’s playing hard to get, so just let her come to you. When she’s done with her little cat-and-mouse games, she’ll be diving head first into your inbox. In the meantime, head to the gym. Read a book. Get your mind, body, and soul in order... ...but send her a quick Snap first. She opened it immediately and didn’t respond. It’s almost as if she got excited to see that she had a Snapchat and didn’t look at the name it came from, but then was immediately disappointed to see it was your dumb face with a dog face filter and a hilarious caption that says "Life is ruff." Text her one last time. Let her know you’re on to her. “Cool.” Nailed it! That’ll let her know that you know that she knows. Check Facebook to see if she posted anything about how devastated she must be after you dropped the hammer. Oh, what’s that? She just posted a status saying "I hate when guys just don’t get the hint." That’s clearly about some other guy, right? Nope. That’s 1,000% about you. It’s over. You have been deaded. Fuck.