Morgan Mandriota

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25 Natural Stress Therapies That Don’t Require Medication

In a world overridden by unnatural ways of healing ourselves, I’ve found a few simple solutions to relieve stress. I wanted to compile a list of healthy ways that I help myself overcome my internal stresses and shut out the external stressors. 

Here are 25 simple, natural therapies for stress that don’t require medication and will ease your mind and bring you peace, at least for a little while:

  1. Listen to feel-good music.2. Go for a long drive with no destination in mind.3. Write, write, write. A poem, a blog, a song, a research paper, anything.4. Sit by the water. (Sitting by the water at sunrise or sunset is the best medicine.)5. Sing, even if you think you can’t.6. See a movie or binge watch a show.7. Exercise. Do yoga or cardio or lift weights.8. Lay in bed and do absolutely nothing. Sometimes it’s necessary.9. Sit in a coffee shop and get some work done.10. Read a book.11. Talk to and/or sit with somebody you confide in and feel comfortable with.12. Kick back and have a hot cup of tea.13. Spend time in nature.14. Go for a walk on a boardwalk or hiking trail.15. Cry. A good cry.16. Sleep. Nap it off.17. Pet an animal.18. Eat a delicious meal. Comfort food and organic health food are equally as satisfying.19. Treat yourself. Whatever that means, treat yourself to something.20. Learn. Research a new topic or discover how to do what you’ve been wanting to do.21. Create something. Make art. Anything.22. Shop. Retail therapy is a real thing!23. Sit in the sunshine.24. Hug somebody. It’s scientifically proven to relieve stress.25. Meditate. Breathe in and tune everything else out. All can be done with or without a friend, and most of the therapies on this list are free. Either way, they’ll be sure to lift your spirits up when in need. There are plenty of other ways, but these are my favorite cures for when I’m feeling down.  What’s your favorite stress therapy that doesn’t require medication? Let me know in the comments below. Also be sure to share this with someone who could benefit from this list. Thanks for reading! 

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25 Natural Stress That Don't Require Medication