Harry Potter Fan Creates The Ultimate HP Monopoly-esque Board Game Called "Pottopoly"
ATTENTION ALL HARRY POTTER FANS! You are about to witness the greatest, most intensely detailed HP board game your eyes have ever feasted upon.It’s called Pottopoly.Told ya.Oh, and if you’re wondering if it’s for sale, it was, once upon a time, but it's not anymore. Sorry!Kristen Roedel, a major Harry Potter lover and great friend of mine (who installed a 9 ¾ sign in our college’s English department entrance), originally shared her work on Instructables and won second prize in the Wizarding Contest back in July. After receiving an abundance of inquiries and positive feedback, as well as a little encouragement from her girlfriend Theresa, she began producing and selling the Monopoly-esque game board on her Etsy page.Every Pottopoly set is created by resurfacing abandoned and neglected Monopoly boards into beautiful, brand new games. Fully loaded and customized with intricate playing pieces, each set is equipped with the following:
- 20" x 20" resurfaced quad-fold game board printed in hi-res full-color, featuring properties such as the Cupboard under the Stairs, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and the Chamber of Secrets.- A full set of corresponding property deed cards, utility cards, and transportation cards- 24 Charms (Chance) and 24 Potions (Community Chest) cards- Castles (approx. 12) and cottages (approx. 32)- 6 standard playing figurines (Harry [styles will vary], Ron, Hermione, Voldemort, Snape, and Draco) with reversible heads (two faces) on Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco. These figurines are NEW and come with black plate stands for each figure.- A full bank of customized Galleons (in the denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500)- An illustrated 'Pottopoly: Rules of the Game' booklet- A full-color Pottopoly game box- 2 standard dice [NOTE: Wooden, transparent blue, transparent red, and glow-in-the-dark dice are available]- An overabundance of joy!
See photos below: When I asked her goals for the future of Pottopoly, she answered, “It's early to tell, but my goal is to keep producing them for as long as people are interested in buying them--which might be just as long as people love Harry Potter!” So is Kristen planning to create games for other series in the future? She has been toying with the idea but is still looking for the perfect book or film that has people talking for years afterward. “I also have to take into consideration how familiar I am with the franchise; it takes a great deal of knowledge of a particular [film or book] to produce a game like this. With that said, I think that Orange is the New Black might be the next candidate to be ‘monopolized.’” Although this game is no longer for sale, you can contact Kristen via Twitter, Instagram, or her website.