How To Make Healthy Fried Rice (Recipe With Video)
Fried rice is one of the most satisfying meals of all time, but it tends to be full of butter, MSG, and other not-so-healthy ingredients if you order it at a restaurant or hibachi place -- so just make it yourself! This healthy fried rice recipe is very easy to make with only a few ingredients that are organic, clean, and delicious. It’s basically a knockoff hibachi fried rice recipe. [embed][/embed]
Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make this healthy fried rice recipe:
*Serves about 4 (unless you’re like me and eat 6 bowls by yourself, then it serves 1.5) 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp minced garlic2 cups brown rice1 whole organic yellow onion10 organic white button mushrooms5 green onion shoots3 organic large brown eggsGarlic powder (to taste)Black pepper (to taste)Himalayan pink salt (to taste)Organic coconut aminos (to taste) I do most of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s, so I purchased all of these ingredients from there (with the exception of spices from Whole Foods). You can obviously buy yours anywhere but I highly recommend TJ’s for affordable and healthy food shopping.
Here are the instructions on how to make this recipe:
1. Measure out 2 cups of brown rice into a measuring cup then pour contents into a pot of boiling water. Let the rice cook while you prepare the rest of the meal.2. Pour extra virgin olive oil into a pan and heat using low-medium heat. Add 1 tsp minced garlic to pan. Simmer until garlic goldens and browns, then turn heat off so the garlic doesn’t burn while you prepare veggies.
3. Chop up one whole organic yellow onion then add to the pan with EVOO and garlic. Keep pieces big and chunky so you can taste them. 4. Wash, de-stem, and chop up 10 organic mushrooms then add to the pan with EVOO, garlic, and onion. Keep pieces big and chunky for the same reason.5. Add spices (black pepper, garlic powder, and salt) to the mushrooms and onions to taste.
6. Wash and finely chop up 5 green onion shoots. Add to the pan with EVOO, garlic, onion, mushroom, and spices. Increase the stove heat from low-medium to medium-high.
7. Move the veggies to one side of the pan leaving a space to crack open 3 organic large brown eggs directly onto the pan. Break the yolks using a utensil, then stir until thoroughly cooked. Once the eggs are completely cooked, proceed to mix the eggs with the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Let sit for a few minutes so flavors blend.
8. The rice should be fully cooked by this point. Push the eggs and veggies to the sides of the pan to create a hole in the middle, then pour the rice into that hole. For some reason, I’ve found it’s easiest to stir everything together by going from the outside rim inward toward the rice (as shown below and in my video shown above).
9. Stir all ingredients for about 5 minutes until everything is well blended. Add one more round of spices to give it one last kick of flavor before dishing out into a bowl.
10. Stop stirring once the eggs turn brown, all moisture in the pan is absorbed, and the rice is less fluffy and more crispy or “fried” in texture. Pour into a bowl and top with organic coconut aminos (soy sauce substitute) to taste, serve, and enjoy!
That’s it! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below if you wind up making this recipe. Also feel free to ask any questions if you have them. Don’t forget to LIKE my video and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to stay updated on new videos and recipes like this one! Thanks for reading, and good luck in making your healthy fried rice dish! Happy (and healthy) eating. :) YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Healthy, Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe