Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: March-May 2019
HELLO! It’s been a while. I’ve been so insanely busy balancing amazing new opportunities and projects, including a podcast I’m launching very soon. Stay tuned, friends. Just because I haven’t been consistently posting these monthly snack and drink roundups does NOT mean that I haven’t been enjoying the best snacks and drinks. Because I definitely have been. Let’s jump right into what I’ve been eating and drinking lately:
Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup:March-May 2019
Jade Leaf Matcha Fruit Bites
I LOVE JADE LEAF MATCHA! Their matcha fruit bites are basically the healthiest fruit snack equivalent. Peach Mango is easily the best flavor, but they’re all addicting. I was instantly obsessed, and so was anyone else who I shared them with. And I’m so excited to say that I’ve partnered with Jade Leaf Matcha to offer new customers 15% OFF their order using discount code MORGAN15!!! (If you buy anything with that code, I get a reward in the form of sales commission.)
Koia Keto Plant Protein Drinks
Koia Keto protein drinks come in a bunch of different flavors, including chocolate brownie, cake batter, and caramel creme, and cinnamon horchata. As unhealthy as those flavors sound and as disgusting as these drink flavors usually taste, I was SO pleasantly surprised at how healthy these drinks are and how delicious they tasted.
TCHO Chocolate Bites & Bars
TCHO chocolate is phenomenal. The toffee + sea salt bites were addicting, and the dark chocolate pretzel crunch chocolate bar was my favorite bar flavor. These were all gone within a day or two of opening. Oops!
Perfect Bar Protein Bars
Perfect Bar protein bars are great as a snack or a light lunch substitute. Coconut Peanut Butter is my favorite bar flavor. Perfect Snacks also makes amazing snackable protein bites to enjoy after the gym — and any of my friends who know I've tried them (because I shared them on my Instagram stories) are obsessed too!
PROBAR Live Probiotic Bars
“Live probiotic bars” doesn’t exactly sound appetizing because you might think there are creepy crawly things inside the bars, but that’s not the case at all. PROBAR’s live probiotic bars are GOOD and they are HEALTHY. Coconut Cashew wins #1 flavor IMHO.
Lily’s Sweets Dark Chocolate Bars & Covered Almonds
You might remember Lily’s from my February favorite snack and drink roundup. Well, here it is again. Shout out to Lily’s for sending me this incredible surprise package filled with goodies that I devoured way too quickly! So grateful to be in contact with such awesome brands (who make such yummy treats).
SoCo Tahini
I had never tried tahini until recently, and now I’m hooked. When I’m getting hungry but don’t feel like eating something bad or heavy, SoCo Tahini paired with organic carrots makes the absolute best healthy snack.
Dang Foods Bars
Dang Foods bars are plant-based Keto-friendly bars that 1) are delicious and 2) remind me of Halvah bread. My favorite flavors are Lemon Matcha and Toasted Coconut. Try ‘em!
- Pull & Peel Twizzlers
- Tate’s Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Milano Cookies in Coconut and Mint Chocolate
Not healthy at all but delicious. Whatever. I splurged over the last few months. I’m over it. Thanks so much for reading! Know of any products I should try? Let me know (or be the best and send them my way).