Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: March-May 2019

HELLO! It’s been a while. I’ve been so insanely busy balancing amazing new opportunities and projects, including a podcast I’m launching very soon. Stay tuned, friends. Just because I haven’t been consistently posting these monthly snack and drink roundups does NOT mean that I haven’t been enjoying the best snacks and drinks. Because I definitely have been. Let’s jump right into what I’ve been eating and drinking lately: 

Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup:March-May 2019


Jade Leaf Matcha Fruit Bites 

 I LOVE JADE LEAF MATCHA! Their matcha fruit bites are basically the healthiest fruit snack equivalent. Peach Mango is easily the best flavor, but they’re all addicting. I was instantly obsessed, and so was anyone else who I shared them with.  And I’m so excited to say that I’ve partnered with Jade Leaf Matcha to offer new customers 15% OFF their order using discount code MORGAN15!!! (If you buy anything with that code, I get a reward in the form of sales commission.) 

Koia Keto Plant Protein Drinks

 Koia Keto protein drinks come in a bunch of different flavors, including chocolate brownie, cake batter, and caramel creme, and cinnamon horchata. As unhealthy as those flavors sound and as disgusting as these drink flavors usually taste, I was SO pleasantly surprised at how healthy these drinks are and how delicious they tasted.  

TCHO Chocolate Bites & Bars

 TCHO chocolate is phenomenal. The toffee + sea salt bites were addicting, and the dark chocolate pretzel crunch chocolate bar was my favorite bar flavor. These were all gone within a day or two of opening. Oops!  

Perfect Bar Protein Bars

 Perfect Bar protein bars are great as a snack or a light lunch substitute. Coconut Peanut Butter is my favorite bar flavor. Perfect Snacks also makes amazing snackable protein bites to enjoy after the gym — and any of my friends who know I've tried them (because I shared them on my Instagram stories) are obsessed too! 

PROBAR Live Probiotic Bars

 “Live probiotic bars” doesn’t exactly sound appetizing because you might think there are creepy crawly things inside the bars, but that’s not the case at all. PROBAR’s live probiotic bars are GOOD and they are HEALTHY. Coconut Cashew wins #1 flavor IMHO. 

Lily’s Sweets Dark Chocolate Bars & Covered Almonds

 You might remember Lily’s from my February favorite snack and drink roundup. Well, here it is again. Shout out to Lily’s for sending me this incredible surprise package filled with goodies that I devoured way too quickly! So grateful to be in contact with such awesome brands (who make such yummy treats). 

SoCo Tahini

 I had never tried tahini until recently, and now I’m hooked. When I’m getting hungry but don’t feel like eating something bad or heavy, SoCo Tahini paired with organic carrots makes the absolute best healthy snack.  

Dang Foods Bars

 Dang Foods bars are plant-based Keto-friendly bars that 1) are delicious and 2) remind me of Halvah bread. My favorite flavors are Lemon Matcha and Toasted Coconut. Try ‘em! 



  • Pull & Peel Twizzlers
  • Tate’s Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Milano Cookies in Coconut and Mint Chocolate

 Not healthy at all but delicious. Whatever. I splurged over the last few months. I’m over it.  Thanks so much for reading! Know of any products I should try? Let me know (or be the best and send them my way).

Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: February 2019

Welcome to my second Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup!

 Happy February, friends!  This month’s list of snack and drink obsessions features more snacks than drinks, mainly because I’ve been super hungry lately.  It also includes a few snacks with dairy in it which is totally against my usual strict diet.  I’ve basically started to not give as much of a fuck because I’m sick of not eating delicious things just because I’d break out in a stupid rash. YOLO, amirite? On that note... 

These are the top 10 snacks and drinks I’ve been obsessed with throughout February 2019:


If you missed January’s roundup, check it out here!


Sejoyia Coco-Thins Salted Caramel Cookies

 Sejoyia Coco-Thins Salted Caramel Okay, so Sejoyia makes a few different cookie flavors like Lemon Zest, Chocolate, and Vanilla (all of which I’ve tried, of course) and they’re all good, but their salted caramel cookies taste JUST like Girl Scouts Samoas… except they’re way healthier.  These paleo-friendly and gluten-free cookies are made with only five healthy ingredients like cassava flour, coconut, and cashews so they’re totally safe to binge on… anddddd yeah, I’ve been binging on them. 

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Vegan White Cheddar

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Vegan White Cheddar If you follow me on Instagram (which you should), then you already know I’ve been obsessing over these cheese doodle knockoffs for weeks.  Do you like cheese doodles? If so, welcome to your newest snack obsession.  Hippeas chickpea puffs are organic, vegan, soy free, dairy-free, non-GMO, delicious, and all of those other amazing qualities found in a good snack. Whether or not you follow a vegan or dairy-free diet, these vegan white cheddar puffs taste EXACTLY like cheese doodles, only they’re not loaded with bad ingredients.  

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Bohemian Barbeque

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Bohemian Barbeque Once I fell in love with Hippeas’ vegan white cheddar puffs, I had to try this barbeque flavor because I love me a good barbeque chip. I honestly don’t know which flavor I like more. Regardless, these puffs are such a good, healthy alternative to LAY’S baked BBQ chips.  Try it out.  

Open Road Snacks Rocky Mountain Popcorn

Open Road Snacks Rocky Mountain Popcorn As you already know, I’m not supposed to eat dairy, but Open Road Snacks’ white cheddar popcorn is 100% worth the risk of an allergic reaction. This popcorn is non-GMO, gluten-free, and addicting. I have yet to try the other flavors but I have Jalapeno Cheddar and Butter bags waiting for me when I’m ready. Stay tuned. 

Lily’s Sweets Chocolate

Lily's Sweets Chocolate Bar Flavors Lily’s Sweets makes chocolate bars without any added sugar, which I’m a huge fan of. I’ve tried a bunch of different flavors shown above (salted almond, dark chocolate, creamy milk chocolate, etc.) but the caramelized & salted chocolate bar has become my latest guilty pleasure. The milk chocolate isn’t dairy-free but the dark chocolate is. Again, totally worth the risk of an allergic reaction.  

From The Ground Up Cauliflower Pretzel Sticks

From The Ground Up Cauliflower Pretzel Sticks My sister-in-law told me to try these cauliflower pretzels, and I’m SO thankful she did because omg. I could (and do) easily kill a bag of these in one sitting. These pretzels are very different than your everyday pretzel. Made from cassava flour and mix of veggies and other decently healthy ingredients, they have this flavor I can’t even describe but it’s soooo good.  


GH Mumm Cardon Rose Champagne I’m not much of a drinker or a champagne lover, but I really channeled my inner fancy/basic bitch this past month. On Valentine’s Day, my best friend and I popped open a bottle of G.H. Mumm's rosė to celebrate how single we are while we ate our massive to-go orders of delicious fried rice at my apartment. I also tried Strongbow’s 100-calorie apple rosė hard cider. Although I had a good run with it, I think I’ll leave the rosė in February and stick with my usual fav -- margaritas. 



  • Lotus Foods Buckwheat & Mushroom Ramen
  • Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  • Rebbl Dark Chocolate Protein Drink

 Thanks for reading! Come back next month to find out what other awesome stuff I’ve been eating and drinking.  Have any personal favorite snacks or drinks that you think I’d like? Let me know in the comments below. 

Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: January 2019

Welcome to my very first Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup!

 HAPPY 2019, EVERYONE! Hope your new year is off to an amazing start.  Every month I find different treats to become obsessed with… and I mean OBSESSED with. I try new things then immediately fall in love with them and unnecessarily drop hundreds of dollars on them feel the need to buy these items in bulk every week until my obsession subsides. It’s actually probably (definitely) an issue.  On that note, I’ve decided to start this new segment on my blog which will feature all of my latest food and drink addictions.  Like the self-proclaimed foodie and health nut that I am, these snacks and drinks are usually quirky in nature, dairy-free, and as healthy as can be -- because that’s the type of stuff I consume (thanks to a kick in the ass by my worst friend ever Lyme disease). Ready to find out all the weird and delicious stuff I eat and drink on a monthly basis? K, let’s go. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.  

These are the top 7 snacks and drinks I’ve been obsessed with throughout January 2019:


gimMe Organic Seaweed

gimMe Organic Seaweed Snacks & Thins in Teriyaki, Sesame, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, and Wasabi Flavors Nutritious, delicious, and weird as hell, seaweed is my #1 addiction lately. I eat it every day either as a snack straight from the container or as a hand roll wrapped with brown rice and avocado. gimMe’s organic seaweed snacks come in a ton of flavors -- Toasted Sesame is my original favorite, then I tried Teriyaki, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt, all of which are equally as awesome and now incorporated into my weekly rotation.  If you want to learn more about weird food trends, check out this post I wrote for Betches! 

Szent Water

Drink Szent Water In Passionfruit, Tangerine, Pineapple, and Mint Flavors Don’t like regular water? Don’t want to make your own detox water by infusing it with fruits, spices, herbs, and other magical ingredients that will make you debloat and lose weight? Try Szent Water. There’s a ring around the neck with oils around it that add a kick of flavor to your water. I prefer the Pineapple flavor but the Mint comes in second place. It’s definitely different than drinking normal or fruit-infused water but it’s a really cool alternative.  

Brew Dr. Kombucha

Organic Brew Dr. Kombucha LOVE Flavor I originally tried this kombucha after being summoned to try a free sample at Whole Foods -- and ya girl loves free stuff, so I tried it, and I loved it. Literally. The Brew Dr. flavor I love most is the Love flavor followed by Superberry. These kombuchas are organic and low in sugar and made with simple, good ingredients. They also gave me a free stainless steel straw for trying the samples, so yay for saving dollars and the environment!  


Homemade Organic Ramen Topped With Sesame Seeds, Scallions, And Seaweed Ramen has become a weekly staple for me. I started off by making it myself, and it came out AMAZING. But then I got super lazy and researched the next best thing -- instant ramen that isn’t packed with preservatives and sodium and other shit. Lotus Foods makes a fantastic gluten-free brown rice ramen buckwheat mushroom soup that serves as an awesome alternative to the typical salty white rice ramen I used to love prior to eliminating all white-foods from my diet. 

Justin’s Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups

Justin’s Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups Since I can’t have peanut butter anymore, I’ve had to find substitutes for my chocolate-peanut butter addiction (see: this delicious chocolate peanut butter overnight oats recipe). I’ve tried sunflower butter cups and almond butter cups, but NOTHING compares to the deliciousness that is Justin’s organic and gluten-free dark chocolate cashew butter cups. They. Are. Incredible. 

Rebbl Dark Chocolate Protein Drink

Organic REBBL Dark Chocolate Protein Super Herb Elixir Rebbl’s dark chocolate “super herb elixir” is my all-time favorite protein drink to chug after I get home from training jiu-jitsu. It’s organic, dairy-free, soy-free, ethically sourced, and tastes just like chocolate milk. It’s also full of crazy superfood ingredients like maca, ashwagandha, and reishi. On the pricier side at $5/bottle, it’s 100% worth it. 

Almond Milk Latte With Cinnamon

Almond Milk Latte With Cinammon This is my new go-to order from Starbucks and the local coffee shop where I’m currently writing this article. It’s pretty basic but it hits the spot with a nice dose of caffeine and anti-inflammatory superpower thanks to cinnamon. Shout out to the Patchogue Bean who makes a perfect one!  Anddddd that’s it for my very first favorite snacks and drinks roundup! Come back next month for an updated list of my newest food and drink obsessions. :)  Thanks for reading. Have you ever tried any of these things? What have been your latest snack and drink addictions? Let me know in the comments below.  READ NEXT: 10 Best Snacks From Trader Joe's 

How To Make Healthy Fried Rice (Recipe With Video)

Fried rice is one of the most satisfying meals of all time, but it tends to be full of butter, MSG, and other not-so-healthy ingredients if you order it at a restaurant or hibachi place -- so just make it yourself! This healthy fried rice recipe is very easy to make with only a few ingredients that are organic, clean, and delicious. It’s basically a knockoff hibachi fried rice recipe. [embed][/embed] 

Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make this healthy fried rice recipe:

*Serves about 4 (unless you’re like me and eat 6 bowls by yourself, then it serves 1.5) 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil1 tsp minced garlic2 cups brown rice1 whole organic yellow onion10 organic white button mushrooms5 green onion shoots3 organic large brown eggsGarlic powder (to taste)Black pepper (to taste)Himalayan pink salt (to taste)Organic coconut aminos (to taste)  Healthy fried rice recipe ingredientsI do most of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s, so I purchased all of these ingredients from there (with the exception of spices from Whole Foods). You can obviously buy yours anywhere but I highly recommend TJ’s for affordable and healthy food shopping.  

Here are the instructions on how to make this recipe:

1. Measure out 2 cups of brown rice into a measuring cup then pour contents into a pot of boiling water. Let the rice cook while you prepare the rest of the meal.2. Pour extra virgin olive oil into a pan and heat using low-medium heat. Add 1 tsp minced garlic to pan. Simmer until garlic goldens and browns, then turn heat off so the garlic doesn’t burn while you prepare veggies.Golden brown garlic in extra virgin olive oil3. Chop up one whole organic yellow onion then add to the pan with EVOO and garlic. Keep pieces big and chunky so you can taste them. 4. Wash, de-stem, and chop up 10 organic mushrooms then add to the pan with EVOO, garlic, and onion. Keep pieces big and chunky for the same reason.5. Add spices (black pepper, garlic powder, and salt) to the mushrooms and onions to taste. Sauteed organic onions and mushrooms with spices6. Wash and finely chop up 5 green onion shoots. Add to the pan with EVOO, garlic, onion, mushroom, and spices. Increase the stove heat from low-medium to medium-high.Chopped up green onions scallions on cutting board7. Move the veggies to one side of the pan leaving a space to crack open 3 organic large brown eggs directly onto the pan. Break the yolks using a utensil, then stir until thoroughly cooked. Once the eggs are completely cooked, proceed to mix the eggs with the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Let sit for a few minutes so flavors blend. Eggs and vegetables in a pan8. The rice should be fully cooked by this point. Push the eggs and veggies to the sides of the pan to create a hole in the middle, then pour the rice into that hole. For some reason, I’ve found it’s easiest to stir everything together by going from the outside rim inward toward the rice (as shown below and in my video shown above).Cooked vegetables and eggs in pan9. Stir all ingredients for about 5 minutes until everything is well blended. Add one more round of spices to give it one last kick of flavor before dishing out into a bowl.Healthy fried rice recipe10. Stop stirring once the eggs turn brown, all moisture in the pan is absorbed, and the rice is less fluffy and more crispy or “fried” in texture. Pour into a bowl and top with organic coconut aminos (soy sauce substitute) to taste, serve, and enjoy!Healthy fried rice recipeThat’s it! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below if you wind up making this recipe. Also feel free to ask any questions if you have them. Don’t forget to LIKE my video and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to stay updated on new videos and recipes like this one!  Thanks for reading, and good luck in making your healthy fried rice dish! Happy (and healthy) eating. :) YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Healthy, Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

10 Best Snacks From Trader Joe’s

So I’m obsessed with Trader Joe’s. I’m not kidding. I love food shopping there so much that you might find me happily strolling through the isles of my local TJ’s on a Friday night.  I’ve decided to list a few of my favorite snacks from Trader Joe’s that I keep stocked in my apartment at all times. Not only are all of these delicious but they’re actually pretty healthy for you too -- except #3 and maybe #5. 

Here are the 10 best snacks from Trader Joe’s (listed in no particular order):


Just Beets Chips

Trader Joe's Just Beets Dehydrated Beet Chips | hawk + pearl

Just Beets chips are literally exactly that -- just dehydrated beets. Yummy, light, and sweet with no extra filler or unnatural ingredients.


Whole Grain Crispbread

Trader Joe's Whole Grain Crispbread | hawk + pearl

This is probably my absolute favorite Trader Joe’s snack (or breakfast). These slices of “bread” are crunchy, packed with seeds, delicious, and really messy. Eat carefully and have a napkin nearby.


Gummy Bears

Trader Joe's Gummy Bears | hawk + pearl

Source: Sometimes Foodie

These are the best gummy bears in the entire world. Like I literally go through a bag every other day. It’s actually pathetic, and extremely unhealthy, but they’re so good that I don’t care... although I probably should.


Organic Edamame

Trader Joe's Unsalted Edamame | hawk + pearl

This edamame is an awesome snack or side paired with TJ’s gyoza.

Beware: Make sure to get the unsalted edamame in the purple bag (shown above). Sometimes I think quick and grab the green/blue bag which is lightly salted -- not that it’s a big deal, but edamame tastes just as great (and is healthier) without any added salt.


Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups | hawk + pearl

These guys always win me over while waiting on line to pay. I couldn’t find a photo of the little bag of demons I usually buy at the register so this picture of a tub of dark chocolate PB cups will have to suffice.


Pumpernickel Pretzel Sticks

Trader Joe's Pumpernickel Pretzel Sticks | hawk + pearl

Pumpernickel pretzels ruined my life because now I can’t ever eat another regular pretzel for as long as I live. I’m willing to bet one bag of these pretzels that if you try them then the same thing will happen to you.

You’re welcome, and I’m sorry in advance for ruining your life.


Honey Whole Wheat Pretzel Sticks

Trader Joe's Honey Whole Wheat Pretzel Sticks | hawk + pearl

Second best pretzels. Pumpernickel still takes the cake but honey wheat is a close contender.


Contemplates Inner Peas Baked Green Peas

Trader Joe's Contemplates Inner Peas Dehydrated Peas Snack | hawk + pearl

This might be more of an acquired taste snack because any normal human that I share these with hates them. However, I am no normal human and I love dehydrated vegetable snacks… so these dehydrated peas easily make my top 10.


Organic Dried Mango

Trader Joe's Organic Dried Mango | hawk + pearl

Organic dried mango was my #1 OG TJ’s snack back when I first started shopping there. Still my go-to years later. However, this is a seasonal item so it’s not always in stock.


Simply Lite Dark Chocolate Bar

Simply Lite Dark Chocolate Bar | hawk + pearl

Although this isn’t a TJ’s original, it’s still a staple purchase for me. With no added sugar and a rich, dark chocolate taste, it’s such a good snack to keep in the house (or in your work bag so you don’t get tempted to eat the candy that sits around in the office all day like me). The dark chocolate bar with almonds is also fantastic if you’re a fan of nuts.


Thanks for reading!


Have you ever tried any of these Trader Joe’s snacks? Do you like any other treats from there that I didn’t list here? If you liked this post, would you want me to write another post listing my favorite groceries that I buy from TJ’s? If so, let me know in the comments below. :)


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Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

So I think these are my new favorite cookies ever. Between the chocolate chips, the nut butter, and the banana, this flourless cookie recipe is absolutely insane -- and healthy! Without telling you 7,526 more reasons as to why these cookies are the best, I'll let you find out for yourself. Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe hawk + pearlHere's what you'll need... 


(makes 8-12 cookies depending on size)2 bananas 1 cup rolled oats2 tbsp peanut/almond/nut butter of choice (I used almond and peanut in two different recipes -- both were delicious)2 tbsp chia seeds1 tsp pure vanilla extract Dark/milk/mix of both chocolate chips to tasteOnce you have the ingredients, do this...


1) Mash bananas in a large mixing bowl.2) Measure out dry ingredients in measuring cup then slowly mix into the bowl (I mixed in 1/3 of the dry into the bananas at a time).3) Add in vanilla extract, nut butter of choice, and however many chocolate chips you want. Mix!4) Preheat oven/toaster oven to 350 degrees. Scoop mix into medium-large sized balls onto cookie tray. They don't blow up or expand much at all, so you can make the cookies as large as you want without worry of spillage/cookies touching one another on the tray. Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe hawk + pearl5) Bake for 15 minutes then let cool on a cooling rack. Then enjoy! Super easy and super delicious. If you try this recipe, let me know what you think. These are by far my favorite cookies yet... if you make them, you'll see why. Don't forget to take a photo of the finished product, then post it on Instagram and tag me @morganmandriota or @hawkandpearl so I can see! [embed][/embed]

Thanks for reading! Happy baking (and eating). :)


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Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

 Related Post: Healthy 2 Step Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe 

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chia Coconut Protein Energy Balls No Bake Recipe

Do you love peanut butter? What about chocolate? Coconut? Having a delicious, healthy, protein-filled snack ready for you to grab out of the fridge at any time?If you answered “YES” to any/all of the previous questions, then keep reading. If you answered “NO” to any/all of the previous questions, then you’re crazy.This super simple recipe is quick to make and addicting to eat. One thing I’ve noticed about recipes on cooking blogs is that you have to scroll alllllllllllll the way to the bottom of the post past 13 paragraphs as to why it’s the author’s favorite food in order to find the ingredients and instructions… which is really annoying. To save you from doing just that, here is my recipe for no bake protein energy balls: Ingredients:1 cup old fashioned oats1 cup peanut butter (creamy)¼ cup dark chocolate baking chunks¼ cup semi-sweet milk chocolate chips¼ cup shredded coconut2 tablespoons local honey2 tablespoons chia seeds2 dark chocolate peanut butter cups -- OPTIONAL (BUT RECOMMENDED)* I used only all-natural, organic ingredients in this recipe. Do the same if you can, too! Once you have everything, do this… Steps:1. Throw all ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir.* If you add in the dark chocolate peanut butter cups, break apart two (2).No Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearlNo Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearl2. Using spoons won’t work because the mix is a bit flaky in consistency, so you’ll need to make the balls yourself by hand. You can pack them as large as desired. I was able to make 24 that were small-medium in size. * If you’re feeling wild, roll balls in extra coconut flakes. If you’re feeling out of control, toast the coconut flakes in the oven/toaster first.No Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearl3. Place balls (I did 6 x 4) on a cooking tray then rest the tray in the fridge. Let them sit for at least 15 minutes so they have some time to harden. If you’re patient enough, unlike me who waited exactly 15 minutes, they should be solid enough to eat after 30 minutes.4. Eat and enjoy! [embed][/embed] If you liked this post/recipe or if you think it sounds good, please let me know in the comments below. And if you try it for yourself, don’t forget to take a photo and tag me on Instagram @morganmandriota so I can see how it came out. Enjoy! :) 

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Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chia Coconut Protein Energy Balls No Bake Recipe

 Related Post: Healthy 2 Step Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

Healthy, Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

So my sister-in-law Jenn, who you may or may not know as MrsCasual on Instagram, introduced me to food blogger @rachlmansfield, and we obsess over her recipes on the daily. We finally attempted to make her overnight oats recipe... and holy crap, they were insane. We decided to twist her recipe a little bit to make it larger and more delicious. The result was phenomenal, peanut buttery, and addicting (and not bad for you at all!). This healthy and easy dark chocolate peanut butter overnight oats recipe takes just 5 MINUTES and 2 STEPS to prepare! All you have to do is leave it in the fridge for a few hours (or overnight until you're ready to eat it) and you have an insanely yummy, protein-packed breakfast ready to go in the morning. Here's what you'll need...Ingredients:1 cup oats1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk2 tablespoons chia seeds2 tablespoons peanut butter (or almond butter -- I'm sure all nut butters will taste great)2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips/chunks** use organic/whole grain/preservative-free ingredients if possible! Once you have everything, do this...Steps:1. Throw all of the ingredients in a mason jar, and stir so everything is evenly distributed. Use only 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate chips/chunks in the recipe. Top stirred ingredients with the remaining tablespoon. 2. Screw the lid on tight, and place the mason jar in the fridge for 3-5+ hours.  That's it! You're done! You're officially on your way to eating your new favorite breakfast or snack. This is what mine looked like after I already had some and decided to stop to take a picture. [embed][/embed]If you liked this post, let me know in the comments below! If you make the recipe, 1) definitely share your picture on Instagram and tag me @morganmandriota so I can see, and 2) tell me if you're as obsessed as I am. Enjoy! :) 

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Healthy & Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe