Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: January 2019
Welcome to my very first Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup!
HAPPY 2019, EVERYONE! Hope your new year is off to an amazing start. Every month I find different treats to become obsessed with… and I mean OBSESSED with. I try new things then immediately fall in love with them and unnecessarily drop hundreds of dollars on them feel the need to buy these items in bulk every week until my obsession subsides. It’s actually probably (definitely) an issue. On that note, I’ve decided to start this new segment on my blog which will feature all of my latest food and drink addictions. Like the self-proclaimed foodie and health nut that I am, these snacks and drinks are usually quirky in nature, dairy-free, and as healthy as can be -- because that’s the type of stuff I consume (thanks to a kick in the ass by my worst friend ever Lyme disease). Ready to find out all the weird and delicious stuff I eat and drink on a monthly basis? K, let’s go. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.
These are the top 7 snacks and drinks I’ve been obsessed with throughout January 2019:
gimMe Organic Seaweed
Nutritious, delicious, and weird as hell, seaweed is my #1 addiction lately. I eat it every day either as a snack straight from the container or as a hand roll wrapped with brown rice and avocado. gimMe’s organic seaweed snacks come in a ton of flavors -- Toasted Sesame is my original favorite, then I tried Teriyaki, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt, all of which are equally as awesome and now incorporated into my weekly rotation. If you want to learn more about weird food trends, check out this post I wrote for Betches!
Szent Water
Don’t like regular water? Don’t want to make your own detox water by infusing it with fruits, spices, herbs, and other magical ingredients that will make you debloat and lose weight? Try Szent Water. There’s a ring around the neck with oils around it that add a kick of flavor to your water. I prefer the Pineapple flavor but the Mint comes in second place. It’s definitely different than drinking normal or fruit-infused water but it’s a really cool alternative.
Brew Dr. Kombucha
I originally tried this kombucha after being summoned to try a free sample at Whole Foods -- and ya girl loves free stuff, so I tried it, and I loved it. Literally. The Brew Dr. flavor I love most is the Love flavor followed by Superberry. These kombuchas are organic and low in sugar and made with simple, good ingredients. They also gave me a free stainless steel straw for trying the samples, so yay for saving dollars and the environment!
Ramen has become a weekly staple for me. I started off by making it myself, and it came out AMAZING. But then I got super lazy and researched the next best thing -- instant ramen that isn’t packed with preservatives and sodium and other shit. Lotus Foods makes a fantastic gluten-free brown rice ramen buckwheat mushroom soup that serves as an awesome alternative to the typical salty white rice ramen I used to love prior to eliminating all white-foods from my diet.
Justin’s Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups
Since I can’t have peanut butter anymore, I’ve had to find substitutes for my chocolate-peanut butter addiction (see: this delicious chocolate peanut butter overnight oats recipe). I’ve tried sunflower butter cups and almond butter cups, but NOTHING compares to the deliciousness that is Justin’s organic and gluten-free dark chocolate cashew butter cups. They. Are. Incredible.
Rebbl Dark Chocolate Protein Drink
Rebbl’s dark chocolate “super herb elixir” is my all-time favorite protein drink to chug after I get home from training jiu-jitsu. It’s organic, dairy-free, soy-free, ethically sourced, and tastes just like chocolate milk. It’s also full of crazy superfood ingredients like maca, ashwagandha, and reishi. On the pricier side at $5/bottle, it’s 100% worth it.
Almond Milk Latte With Cinnamon
This is my new go-to order from Starbucks and the local coffee shop where I’m currently writing this article. It’s pretty basic but it hits the spot with a nice dose of caffeine and anti-inflammatory superpower thanks to cinnamon. Shout out to the Patchogue Bean who makes a perfect one! Anddddd that’s it for my very first favorite snacks and drinks roundup! Come back next month for an updated list of my newest food and drink obsessions. :) Thanks for reading. Have you ever tried any of these things? What have been your latest snack and drink addictions? Let me know in the comments below. READ NEXT: 10 Best Snacks From Trader Joe's