Happy New Year: It's Time To Review, Cleanse & Start Anew

December is coming to a close which means another year has officially passed by.Congratulations, you’ve made it!Whereas others won’t have the chance to ring in the new year, you will. Too many of us look past this blessing and unintentionally continue to do the same old thing we’ve been doing for the last 12 months (or longer).A new year is symbolic for several reasonsIt is a time to make resolutions and implement ways to fulfill them. It is a celebratory period to welcome the new, the exciting, and the unknown with loved ones. It is the reset button to cleanse your life of the toxicity that has built up and resonated with you throughout the past year. It is the chance to let go of whatever and whoever causes you unnecessary stress and move forward in clarity and positivity. Essentially, a new year is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Do yourself a favor before the new year arrives… Reflect on your past year and ask yourself questions. Are you happy with how it played out? What do you have the ability to change? What can you do differently in the future to improve your quality of life? How do you plan to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes? Who doesn’t serve a beneficial purpose if your life anymore? Who do you want to grow closer to? What/who is in your life now that is/isn’t conducive to your well-being? Create a list of goals, both short and long-term, that you’d like to achieve before the next 365 days are up.Devise solid plans to set those goals into motion, including what you can do as soon as the calendar marks January 1st as well as what you plan to do at some point before the year is over. With every beginning comes change and transition. Choose to break out of your comfort zone and grow. Remember, out of all the people in this entire world, the only one who is in charge of giving you a better life is YOU. Whatever happens over the course of the next 12 months, I hope your actions bring you happiness and fill your heart with joy. I hope you don’t feel “stuck” and you make the changes that may be difficult but necessary in order to live a more fulfilling life. I hope you surround yourself with wonderful people who believe in your dreams and support you in all you decide to pursue. I hope you smash your goals and surprise yourself with how powerful and capable you truly are. I hope you find good health, an abundance of love, great luck, and all of the great things you deserve. Happy new year, everyone!  Did you accomplish everything you set out to do this year? Did you reach your goals or surpass them? What are your resolutions for the new year? I’d love to hear. Feel free to let me know in the comments below. Related Post You May Like: 17 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger SelfRelated Post You May Like: 3 Reasons Why You Should Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

KomaCoast™ Announces Its Official Launch As The "New Generation Collective"

Today, December 23, 2016, is a day that will go down in infamy.After a long-awaited last few weeks of built anticipation from teaser "12.23.2016" social media posts, "the new generation collective" KomaCoast™ has finally launched into the public eye.What is KomaCoast™?KomaCoast™ is a music, art, design, and media agency composed of a unique showcase of talented professionals and success-hungry individuals. With a little bit of stardust and a lot of late night adrenaline (as I write this at 2am), the new team is officially setting out to make its mark on the artist management and digital industries -- and the world.Phil Francavilla, a multi-tasking pro and creative mastermind, stands as the nucleus of this venture. I am proud to say he's not only a good friend but a fellow team member of mine as well. I am so excited to announce not only the launch of this brand but also my participation in its growth.Cheers!Follow us on our journey to success and world domination! KomaCoast™ can be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and their official website at www.komacoast.com.Stay tuned for updates, events, new media, artists, blog posts (I'll  be contributing!), and more. The team has amazing things in store for you, including the release of up-and-coming artist Vibelingual. KomaCoast™ is "the new generation collective."

Life & The Mysterious Powers Of The Universe

Just when you feel you can't handle any more, the weight is lifted off your shoulders. In your most dire moment of need, you receive what you've been lacking.When you feel the emptiest you've ever been, the void is filled. Right before you're about to give up, you're given the reassurance that you're exactly where you need to be. As you spiral down and hit Rock Bottom, a magical (metaphorical) springboard appears and bounces you back up, maybe even higher than before. I've found that in my happiest of times, things have happened that caused me to come crashing down -- hard, fast, and painfully. Just when I thought I finally had it all figured out, I had been thrown for the biggest loop of the century, leaving me confused, lost, and unsure of which way was up and which way was down. But I've found the exact opposite as well.During my weakest moments, I discovered strength I never knew I had. If I misplaced my faith, it slapped me across the face and reminded me it never left my side. When I didn't get what I wanted, I was actually being redirected toward what I needed. Whenever I lost my way, I found myself being led to the place I better belonged instead.Life has a funny way of testing your spirits and pushing your buttons, but things always seem to work out for the best. I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason and what's meant to be will be, and the universe has continually reflected the truth in and validity of those beliefs time and time again. This all may sound like silly poetry and/or word vomit, and it very well could be, but I felt an urge to share these thoughts with you right now. However you interpret this post, I hope you'll accept it as an honest, heartfelt confession of lessons learned from my past and recent experiences. My main point here -- what I'm trying to say is this:You have the power to turn things around and live your best life. You are granted the opportunity to put your best foot forward every single time you are blessed enough to open your eyes in the morning and see another day. With positive thoughts, good intentions, the desire to make a difference, and a little bit of stardust, you have the ability to change the world -- YOUR world and the worlds of others by association. The universe is a magical place full of wonder and beauty, ready and willing to reward those who acknowledge and admire its power. All you have to do is practice gratitude daily and truly, and I promise you will be taken care of accordingly.

A Tribute To 23 & A Toast To 24

Tomorrow is my 24th birthday, which means this is my last night as a 23-year-old. ...naturally, here I am, spending the last few hours of this birth year reflecting upon the past twelve months composed of successes, transitions, hardships, milestones, and major events.In my 23rd year, I created some of the best memories and relationships I’ve ever had. My first and only niece Chloé was born in January and has continued to changed my life for the better ever day since. I finally launched my very own writing blog, hawk + pearl. I traveled to California for a week and met my cousin for the first time. I saw several of my favorite artists perform live at venues on both sides of the country. I began a full-time job and had been promoted twice to the top of the department in six short months. I started going to the gym again. I rekindled old friendships and made new ones with those who have become some of my closest friends.In my 23rd year, I also endured quite possibly the most traumatic experience of my life. I had to say goodbye to one of the most special people I’ve ever had the blessing to meet, my friend and ex-boyfriend, Steve, after he passed away in June. I’ve had to completely re-adjust my way of thinking, acting, and living since that day, and now, almost five full months later, I’m still in the process of recovering and adapting to this new "normal."Needless to say, 2016 was one hell of a year. It was one full of experiences I will never forget and memories I will always cherish. Through it all, I've learned the valuable lessons of how important it is to 1) never take anything or anyone for granted and 2) always practice gratitude for the blessings in life, no matter how big or how small. Things can get crazy at times, but I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to be able to say that I have my health, my family, and my close friends beside me right now, just hours before my 24th birthday.So this is my tribute to 23 and a toast to 24. I am looking forward to this new age and the upcoming year of 2017 in hopes of happiness, success, and even more love and incredible moments than this past year has given me. Thank you, wholeheartedly, for reading this post, for caring enough to check out my blog, and for being a part of my life. I hope you’ll continue to join me on my journey and come along for the ride to see what this next year has in store.Cheers.

California Dreaming

I’ve been back in New York for about three days now after fulfilling my dream of going to California (hence why I haven't posted anything on here in a little while).Ugh.One week spent on the other side of the country is not long enough. I knew it would be different over there, but I didn’t comprehend just how different it could be until I went and found out for myself.In California, random people will smile and say "hello" to you and treat you kindly. Meals are made with natural/organic, local ingredients, and there’s free detox water composed of lemon, cucumber, and mint leaves in most shops. Veggie burgers are available for substitution by default in every restaurant. Mountains encompass beaches and overlook freeways. Sunshine and warm weather is an everyday norm. There are hiking trails with scenic views and tons of active people occupying the paths.Biggest problem? The traffic. I think that actually may be California’s only problem aside from the looming threat of an earthquake or tsunami at any given moment.If you smile at a stranger in New York, there’s a 50/50 chance of reciprocation. There’s a 100% chance of struggling to find a healthy restaurant that isn’t one of the three spots you regularly frequent. Annual weather alternates between cool, freezing cold, warm, and boiling hot. Gyms are our main location of activity because nature trails are in short supply. Okay, so New York truly doesn’t suck as much as I’m making it out to. Sure, it has its negatives, but on the flip side, it definitely has its perks.Diners are open 24/7 or until 3am. Bars serve alcohol past 10pm and are open later than 2am. We have AMAZING pizza and bagels. We also have changing seasons (if you’re into that kinda thing). If you live on Long Island like I do, there’s the valuable and oftentimes-taken-for-granted luxury of having everything within the span of a 40 minute drive, including but not limited to water, the city, farm life, and suburbia. There aren’t many people living in the US who can say they have that.Overall, the sights, the people, the food, the culture, the art -- the only word I could think of to describe California is inspiring. Everything is so full of life and emotion and passion and I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.Although I love New York because it’s my home, I want to go back out and continue exploring. This world -- more specifically, on an even smaller scale, this country -- is too full of different places and experiences to stay stuck in one place forever.Spend the money and take that trip you’ve always wanted to. Whether you’ve been dreaming of visiting a neighboring state, the other side of the country, or an entirely new one, do it. It may rip you out of your comfort zone or put you on a tight budget for a little while, but it’ll be worth it. I promise. Rant over.Until I attempt to cure my wanderlust with another trip sometime soon, I’ll be enjoying my Long Island sunsets and east coast living as much as possible, but chances are I’ll be west coast, California dreaming while doing so.

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Happy Anniversary!

36 years of marriage (plus 5 years before that) is a really long time to be with somebody else… like, a really, really long time. CONGRATS!I am the luckiest girl in the world to have parents like you. You care for our family and each one of us more than you care for yourselves. You give me strength when I’m lacking. You are there for me in a heartbeat no matter the time or situation. You support every single venture that I decide to pursue. You understand my sense of humor and spit it right back day-in and day-out. You are my parents but also my friends -- two of my best friends in the world.Thank you for being my inspiration on how to love somebody with your whole heart. Thank you for proving to me that a relationship doesn’t have to be boring, and it’s better to be sarcastic and silly and fun with one another than always so serious. Thank you for showing me that it’s okay to let your walls down, and that it’s necessary to do so in order to be comfortable and entirely yourself with each other. Thank you for teaching me that love isn’t always butterflies and rainbows and unicorns, and it’s worth the fight when the person you’re fighting for is worth it. Thank you for being my example of unconditional love to look up and aspire to. I could never thank you enough for all of the lessons you’ve taught me. You have both shaped me into the person I am today, and for that I am forever grateful.Wishing you 36 more happy, healthy, love-filled years ahead, and a million more after that. I love you both more than words in a blog post can ever express. Always,Morgan

Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

So I think these are my new favorite cookies ever. Between the chocolate chips, the nut butter, and the banana, this flourless cookie recipe is absolutely insane -- and healthy! Without telling you 7,526 more reasons as to why these cookies are the best, I'll let you find out for yourself. Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe hawk + pearlHere's what you'll need... 


(makes 8-12 cookies depending on size)2 bananas 1 cup rolled oats2 tbsp peanut/almond/nut butter of choice (I used almond and peanut in two different recipes -- both were delicious)2 tbsp chia seeds1 tsp pure vanilla extract Dark/milk/mix of both chocolate chips to tasteOnce you have the ingredients, do this...


1) Mash bananas in a large mixing bowl.2) Measure out dry ingredients in measuring cup then slowly mix into the bowl (I mixed in 1/3 of the dry into the bananas at a time).3) Add in vanilla extract, nut butter of choice, and however many chocolate chips you want. Mix!4) Preheat oven/toaster oven to 350 degrees. Scoop mix into medium-large sized balls onto cookie tray. They don't blow up or expand much at all, so you can make the cookies as large as you want without worry of spillage/cookies touching one another on the tray. Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe hawk + pearl5) Bake for 15 minutes then let cool on a cooling rack. Then enjoy! Super easy and super delicious. If you try this recipe, let me know what you think. These are by far my favorite cookies yet... if you make them, you'll see why. Don't forget to take a photo of the finished product, then post it on Instagram and tag me @morganmandriota or @hawkandpearl so I can see! [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/BLtzz1AhIWZ/?taken-by=morganmandriota[/embed]

Thanks for reading! Happy baking (and eating). :)


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Healthy Flourless Chocolate Chip Banana Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

 Related Post: Healthy 2 Step Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe 

8 Cold Harsh Truths About Modern Dating

Welcome to the age of the hookup culture and technology-induced awkward interactions!  Modern dating is absolutely horrendous for an infinite amount of reasons. Even with all of the dating apps available for use today, including but not limited to Tinder, Bumble (check out my Bumble BFF review!), Match.com, POF, Christian Mingle, SugarDaddie, Gluten-Free Singles, and EVEN Tindog for dog lovers, we still struggle to find a suitable significant other. Aside from technology, we have opportunities to meet people in person through mutual friends, by going out on weekends, attending school, etc., etc., but somehow, someway, it is damn near impossible to find somebody worthy of our consistent time and effort. Here are 8 cold harsh truths about modern dating: 1. Dating apps fucking suck. This person seems cool… Yay, we matched! But we’re never going to message each other... and if one of us does, the other one isn’t going to respond... and if one of us does, our conversation will last for a day… oh, wait, you just want to meet up to have sex? Fabulous. 2. Texting for too long before finally meeting someone makes things awkward and even slightly uncomfortable.By communicating for an extended period of time before any face-to-face interactions take place, we build up this (oftentimes unrealistic) image of who this person is or should be. When the time comes that you finally meet him/her, that image almost always never matches up to reality. We set ourselves up for disappointment and might even stop talking to that person -- then jump start this vicious cycle back up once again. 3. Social media has tainted our perception of what real relationship goals (and real relationships) truly are.News flash: wearing matching outfits is NOT a #relationshipgoal. Wanna know what IS a relationship goal? Commitment. Loyalty. Respect. Compatibility. Oh, and “Facebook official” shouldn't be the defining factor of whether or not you're officially dating/in a relationship.  4. Everything is a game, and the winner is usually the one who cares the least and/or plays hard-to-get the best.Is it just a social norm, or is it immaturity? Either way, it’s annoying and a shame. You can’t text first but you want to talk to this person/start over thinking when you go without contact for too long. Don’t respond too soon or too late. You shouldn’t have to play games in order to keep someone’s attention, but I suppose when you find the right one, he/she won’t play games. 5. Nobody wants to have small talk, but it's hard to find somebody who knows how to hold a deep conversation. Let’s talk. By talk, I mean talk. Tell me about yourself. Share a dream, fear, or goal with me. Ask about my hobbies and I’ll ask about yours. 6. If you’re shy and/or always busy and/or don’t enjoy going out/getting drunk/hanging out in bars on weekends, the chances of meeting new people are pretty slim. 'nuff said (and if you’re going to say you can just resort to dating apps, see #1). 7. Relationships are practically disposable nowadays if your S/O doesn't act right 100% of the time. Bae ain’t texting you enough throughout the day? Did he send a text without an emoji? Ugh! Toss him/her in the trash, download Tinder, and start swiping to find that special someone who will act right. 8. Everybody wants to hook up and nobody wants to commit.Many people have goals of starting a family and settling down before they’re 30. Unfortunately, an inability to commit restricts many of us from achieving those goals. We are fearful of committing in case something better is out there. It’s easier to commit to a hookup culture and a one night "Netflix & Chill" rather than actually date and seek a life partner. Never settle, of course, but be willing to work for what you truly want, otherwise everything will always be disposable. What is your experience with dating in this day and age? Let me know in the comments below! Feel free to share your Tinder fails or your interesting first date story or how you found your special someone. I’d love to hear about it. Also, if you agree with or relate to these cold harsh truths, please give this post a share on Facebook or Twitter! May the (modern dating) odds be ever in your favor. :)

17 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self

Reflecting back on my younger years, especially those during middle and high school, there are countless things I wish I had known back then. There are so many thoughts I wish I could have believed and so, so many lessons I wish I would have learned earlier. Here are 17 things I wish I could tell my younger self: 

  1. Don’t follow the crowd. Be a leader. Be yourself.
  2. Being “cool” means being nice, and being “popular” means absolutely nothing once you enter "the real world."
  3. When you feel like things won’t get better, they will. Hang in there.
  4. You will find love someday, and it will be worth the wait.
  5. Being smart isn’t a bad thing. In fact, it’s completely and entirely the opposite. Playing dumb is unattractive. Study and strive to do well in (and out of) school. It will pay off.
  6. Don’t pay mind to bullies. Their words do not hold any value. They’re going through shit, too, only they’ve decided to take theirs out on you.
  7. Embrace your weirdness. Never let it go.
  8. Take more pictures of yourself, your friends, your family, and experiences. You'll enjoy the ability to look back on them later in life.
  9. Surround yourself with great people. Choose a solid group of friends who build you up rather than bring you down.
  10. Find and follow your passion. Stick to your hobbies and don’t be ashamed of them. You could make a shit ton of money someday by doing what you love.
  11. You are not fat. You are beautiful. Trust me, you’ll wish you could look like this in a few years.
  12. Everyone has flaws and imperfections. You are perfect just the way you are.
  13. Live it up while you don't have many responsibilities or bills to pay. Go out, have fun, and make memories that will last a lifetime.
  14. Stop stressing. The little things that you worry about now are minuscule compared to worries ahead.
  15. You are enough.
  16. Appreciate your family. Spend time with them. Tell them you love them every single day. And keep in touch with your grandparents.
  17. Please don’t rush growing up. Adulthood is not as alluring as you imagine it to be. Believe it or not, you’re going to dream of being back in your shoes someday. Enjoy every single moment to the fullest.

 What are the things you wish you could tell your younger self? Feel free to comment and share below. I’d love to hear them.  Thanks for reading! If you related to this post, please give it a share on Facebook or Twitter. 

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chia Coconut Protein Energy Balls No Bake Recipe

Do you love peanut butter? What about chocolate? Coconut? Having a delicious, healthy, protein-filled snack ready for you to grab out of the fridge at any time?If you answered “YES” to any/all of the previous questions, then keep reading. If you answered “NO” to any/all of the previous questions, then you’re crazy.This super simple recipe is quick to make and addicting to eat. One thing I’ve noticed about recipes on cooking blogs is that you have to scroll alllllllllllll the way to the bottom of the post past 13 paragraphs as to why it’s the author’s favorite food in order to find the ingredients and instructions… which is really annoying. To save you from doing just that, here is my recipe for no bake protein energy balls: Ingredients:1 cup old fashioned oats1 cup peanut butter (creamy)¼ cup dark chocolate baking chunks¼ cup semi-sweet milk chocolate chips¼ cup shredded coconut2 tablespoons local honey2 tablespoons chia seeds2 dark chocolate peanut butter cups -- OPTIONAL (BUT RECOMMENDED)* I used only all-natural, organic ingredients in this recipe. Do the same if you can, too! Once you have everything, do this… Steps:1. Throw all ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir.* If you add in the dark chocolate peanut butter cups, break apart two (2).No Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearlNo Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearl2. Using spoons won’t work because the mix is a bit flaky in consistency, so you’ll need to make the balls yourself by hand. You can pack them as large as desired. I was able to make 24 that were small-medium in size. * If you’re feeling wild, roll balls in extra coconut flakes. If you’re feeling out of control, toast the coconut flakes in the oven/toaster first.No Bake Protein Energy Balls Recipe - PB Chocolate Chia Coconut | hawk + pearl3. Place balls (I did 6 x 4) on a cooking tray then rest the tray in the fridge. Let them sit for at least 15 minutes so they have some time to harden. If you’re patient enough, unlike me who waited exactly 15 minutes, they should be solid enough to eat after 30 minutes.4. Eat and enjoy! [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/BLRaZYyhPd3/?taken-by=morganmandriota[/embed] If you liked this post/recipe or if you think it sounds good, please let me know in the comments below. And if you try it for yourself, don’t forget to take a photo and tag me on Instagram @morganmandriota so I can see how it came out. Enjoy! :) 

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Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Chia Coconut Protein Energy Balls No Bake Recipe

 Related Post: Healthy 2 Step Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

3 Reasons Why You Should Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

Have you ever had a friend that just totally dragged you down? And whenever you’re around this person, you feel so drained and so low, so much so that you practically can’t wait to stop hanging out with this person just so you can be alone and recharge? Because I have. I like to call these people “energy vampires.” Disclaimer: This post is not about having friends with problems. I’m talking about purely negative people. The Negative Nancys. The ones who are never happy for you. The ones who never have anything good to say about anything. The ones who suck the life of out you with their inability to be anything other than pessimistic and toxic. What I want to discuss in this post is why it is so important to cleanse yourself of those energy vampires who are stealing your precious time and well-being.Although the list is infinite in length, here are three crucial reasons why you should eliminate toxic people from your life: 

  1. Negativity breeds negativity (and positivity breeds positivity!).

 Let’s start with an analogy.Have you ever had a bad start to your day? Did you think to yourself, “This day is off to a shitty start. Let’s see what else could go wrong...”?Suddenly, something else went wrong... then something else went wrong… then something else went wrong… until your day was a complete whirlwind of crap that left you wondering what the hell happened and where the hell you went wrong?I’ll tell you where you went wrong. You set yourself up for failure.If you expect bad things to happen, bad things will happen. If you anticipate good things to happen, the likelihood of good things happening increases. If you changed your way of thinking -- if you changed your attitude and your perception -- and said, “well, that sucked, but it’s okay. The rest of this day will be better,” then chances are your day would have gone a helluva lot smoother. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re thinking...“So you’re telling me that all I have to do is think my day is going to go well and it will? Sounds like total bullshit to me.” Yup! 100%. No bullshit. In fact, that’s what many refer to as “The Secret” and I just shared it with you. I’m not making this shit up, I promise. It’s the law of attraction. There are books about it. Read about it. Research it. Thank me later.You’re welcome. 

  1. By ridding your life of toxicity, you make room for better things to take its place.

 Have you ever heard of the saying “stress kills”? Yes? That’s because it does (it’s actually not even a saying… it’s more of a universal truth backed by studies).Toxicity practically translates to stress. By ridding your life of stress, you'll naturally feel more at ease. The same goes for the type of people with whom you surround yourself. If you hang out with negative people, then you surround yourself with negative energy. Negative energy is contagious and leads to an increase in your level of stress (unless you’re a superhuman who just doesn’t give a fuck about anything -- then props to you). Less stress = happiness.It’s a no-brainer.Rid yourself of those wicked energy vampires to clear up space for new, better things to enter. You’ll notice that the more positive people and vibes you engage with, you’ll have more positive experiences and a healthier mental outlook as a result. 

  1. You regain valuable headspace, time, and energy to focus on yourself.

 No matter what you’re seeking, you’ll ultimately recover the ability to focus on YOU. My whole point here is based on this simple principle. By decreasing the headspace, time, and energy used for external sources that do nothing but bring you down, you regain those vital elements to spend on yourself… or whatever the hell you want to spend them on. The opportunities are endless! Those 3+hours you would have spent hanging out with that person you feel obligated to see despite not wanting to because you know it’ll depress you? Now you can spend that time doing what YOU want to do -- either alone or with your new, non-vampirous friend(s)! SCORE. If you made it this far into my post, thank you. Really. It was a long one, and although you might think I’m a total wack job, I’ve composed this post and these reasons from my experiences with energy vampires and throwing them out of my proximity.I never said it would be easy, but what I am saying is that it’s worth it. You just have to be willing to make the cut.Now go ahead and cut that toxicity out of your life. Cut him/her/them right out then reward yourself with a nice, big, delicious cup of IDGAF-about-you-anymore/you-ain’t-gonna-stress-me-out-ever-again/I-love-my-sanity-more-than-your-insanity tea. Or coffee. Whichever your preference.Either way, sip that shit and enjoy it in your new sense of peace.

Harry Potter Fan Creates The Ultimate HP Monopoly-esque Board Game Called "Pottopoly"

ATTENTION ALL HARRY POTTER FANS! You are about to witness the greatest, most intensely detailed HP board game your eyes have ever feasted upon.It’s called Pottopoly.harry potter fan creates ultimate hp monopoly game pottolopyTold ya.Oh, and if you’re wondering if it’s for sale, it was, once upon a time, but it's not anymore. Sorry!Kristen Roedel, a major Harry Potter lover and great friend of mine (who installed a 9 ¾ sign in our college’s English department entrance), originally shared her work on Instructables and won second prize in the Wizarding Contest back in July. After receiving an abundance of inquiries and positive feedback, as well as a little encouragement from her girlfriend Theresa, she began producing and selling the Monopoly-esque game board on her Etsy page.Every Pottopoly set is created by resurfacing abandoned and neglected Monopoly boards into beautiful, brand new games. Fully loaded and customized with intricate playing pieces, each set is equipped with the following:

- 20" x 20" resurfaced quad-fold game board printed in hi-res full-color, featuring properties such as the Cupboard under the Stairs, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and the Chamber of Secrets.- A full set of corresponding property deed cards, utility cards, and transportation cards- 24 Charms (Chance) and 24 Potions (Community Chest) cards- Castles (approx. 12) and cottages (approx. 32)- 6 standard playing figurines (Harry [styles will vary], Ron, Hermione, Voldemort, Snape, and Draco) with reversible heads (two faces) on Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco. These figurines are NEW and come with black plate stands for each figure.- A full bank of customized Galleons (in the denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500)- An illustrated 'Pottopoly: Rules of the Game' booklet- A full-color Pottopoly game box- 2 standard dice [NOTE: Wooden, transparent blue, transparent red, and glow-in-the-dark dice are available]- An overabundance of joy!

 See photos below:pottopoly-game-board-2pottopoly-game-board-with-moneypottopoly-money-and-cardspottopoly-game-cardspottopoly-characterspottopoly-game-characterspottopoly-rule-book-coverpottopoly-rule-book-insidegame-board-wide-angle-view When I asked her goals for the future of Pottopoly, she answered, “It's early to tell, but my goal is to keep producing them for as long as people are interested in buying them--which might be just as long as people love Harry Potter!” So is Kristen planning to create games for other series in the future? She has been toying with the idea but is still looking for the perfect book or film that has people talking for years afterward. “I also have to take into consideration how familiar I am with the franchise; it takes a great deal of knowledge of a particular [film or book] to produce a game like this. With that said, I think that Orange is the New Black might be the next candidate to be ‘monopolized.’” Although this game is no longer for sale, you can contact Kristen via Twitter, Instagram, or her website.  



Harry Potter Fan Creates The Ultimate Harry Potter Monopoly Game Board Game Called "Pottopoly"

16 Reasons Why Fall Is The Best Time Of Year

Fall is officially here, and life just got 100x better (and it's not just because pumpkin spice lattes are back). Here are 16 reasons why fall is the best time of year: 

No more sweating

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl sweat

Mosquitoes and wasps retreat back to hell

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl spongebob gifBYE, EVIL BEINGS.

You no longer have to worry about maintaining your beach bod

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl spongebob patrick gifOh, how I’ve missed you, ice cream and everything else non-dietetic.


16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl fall clothes gifFlannels, oversized sweaters, hoodies, scarves, boots...

It’s acceptable to wear dark colors again

16 REASONS WHY FALL IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR HAWK + PEARLI mean, I wear black every day of the year anyway, but it’s more acceptable when it’s cooler out. Why? I don’t know.

Football and hockey season is back

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl football season is backThe game, wings, beers. Life is good.

New TV shows

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl spongebob tv shows are back onNew seasons = binge-watching your favorite TV shows!

Roasted corn at local farm stands

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year gif hawk + pearl roasted corn(above is an actual video taken of me eating corn)

Apple and pumpkin picking

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl apple and pumpkin picking Speaking of pumpkins… 

Pumpkin beer

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl pumpkin beer with cinnamon sugar rimWith a cinnamon sugar rim? Flawless.

Pumpkin everything

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl pumpkin spice latte pslNo, seriously EVERYTHING. PSLs, muffins, pie, ice cream, coffee creamer...

Leaves change color

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl leaves change colorNot many sights are quite as beautiful as trees covered in multi-colored leaves.


16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl halloween kitty gifCOSTUMES.


16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl thanksgiving plate



16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl bonfire gif

Perfect cuddling weather

16 reasons why fall is the best time of year hawk + pearl cuddle polar bearsTechnically you never need a reason to cuddle, but cooler weather just somehow has a way of making it that much better. Did I miss your favorite part of fall? Let me know in the comments below! 

What It’s Like To Not Be A Party Girl On The Weekends, Or Ever

If you’re wondering what I’m doing on a Friday or Saturday night, I’ll probably be doing the same thing as always. But I won’t be out drunk partying all night. I won’t be seeking a next one night stand, and, no, I certainly won’t be in a pair of heels or a short dress.

Not that there’s anything wrong with anything mentioned above… you just won’t find me like that.Rather, you’ll find me hanging out at one of my favorite local coffee shops. You’ll find me home in my bed or sitting on the couch with my mom watching TV. You’ll find me going for a walk down Main Street or sitting by the water with a friend. You’ll find me reading a book or working on my blog or learning how to produce music. You’ll occasionally find me doing something more exciting. You could find me grabbing food or watching the game/fight with friends out in town. You might see me at a show watching one of my favorite artists perform. You may even catch me making a spontaneous trip into the city to check out museums or cool parks. You could even pass me on the expressway, listening to good music, with no destination, solo or not.If/when I do wind up going out, it’ll probably be at a local, low-key spot. I might have a drink or two (I do love my tequila and red wine), but I know damn well that I won’t drink too much and I’ll most likely be home earlier than everyone else. I won’t have a headache in the morning, and I won’t be throwing up before I go to bed and/or after I wake up. I’ll also remember what I did the night before -- I’ll actually have a head full of memories created 12 hours prior. However, I promise I’m not boring. I also promise that I won’t judge you or anybody else for living a different lifestyle than I do. Sometimes I wish I could keep up with those who can drink beer after beer and shot after shot night after night… but I can’t, so I don’t pretend to. But I will probably be up until 3AM! I’ll just be in my bed and it’ll be from one of the cups of caffeine I had earlier or a typical case of insomnia due to my brain that doesn’t have the ability to shut off so easily at night.I’ve grown to willingly accept texts making fun of me for not coming out. I’ve accepted the fact that I’m the grandma of my friend group. You’ve heard the saying “I didn’t choose the thug life -- the thug life chose me?” Well, I don’t know if I chose the grandma life or the grandma life chose me, but either way, I’m okay with it. The heels and the late nights in bars and the hangover in the morning weekend lifestyle just isn’t for me. I’d rather be in a coffee shop in jeans and a hoodie with my laptop or a book and a hazelnut latte with almond milk. It’s all good -- promise. I’m just not a party girl on the weekends, or ever. And I’m totally fine with that.

Healthy, Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

So my sister-in-law Jenn, who you may or may not know as MrsCasual on Instagram, introduced me to food blogger @rachlmansfield, and we obsess over her recipes on the daily. We finally attempted to make her overnight oats recipe... and holy crap, they were insane. We decided to twist her recipe a little bit to make it larger and more delicious. The result was phenomenal, peanut buttery, and addicting (and not bad for you at all!). This healthy and easy dark chocolate peanut butter overnight oats recipe takes just 5 MINUTES and 2 STEPS to prepare! All you have to do is leave it in the fridge for a few hours (or overnight until you're ready to eat it) and you have an insanely yummy, protein-packed breakfast ready to go in the morning. Here's what you'll need...Ingredients:1 cup oats1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk2 tablespoons chia seeds2 tablespoons peanut butter (or almond butter -- I'm sure all nut butters will taste great)2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips/chunks** use organic/whole grain/preservative-free ingredients if possible! Once you have everything, do this...Steps:1. Throw all of the ingredients in a mason jar, and stir so everything is evenly distributed. Use only 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate chips/chunks in the recipe. Top stirred ingredients with the remaining tablespoon. 2. Screw the lid on tight, and place the mason jar in the fridge for 3-5+ hours.  That's it! You're done! You're officially on your way to eating your new favorite breakfast or snack. This is what mine looked like after I already had some and decided to stop to take a picture. [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/BKVyyY8DZjH/?taken-by=morganmandriota[/embed]If you liked this post, let me know in the comments below! If you make the recipe, 1) definitely share your picture on Instagram and tag me @morganmandriota so I can see, and 2) tell me if you're as obsessed as I am. Enjoy! :) 

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Healthy & Easy Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats Recipe

OWSLA Showcase: NYFW Edition feat. Secret Lineup @ House of Yes 9/8/2016

Sitting in a restaurant with a friend I haven’t seen in years, drinking margaritas on a Wednesday night, he mentioned that there was an OWSLA showcase over in Brooklyn set to take place the following night.Cool venue? Music we both love performed by surprise artists from one of our favorite labels? Just an hour away from home? We bought tickets without hesitation.From 10pm-4am, the House of Yes was full of amazing music, stunning aerial acts, and genuinely awesome, interesting people all joining together for the love of artistry and good vibes.The lineup was fantastic from start to finish, including phenomenal, bass-filled sets by two of my favorites, Anna Lunoe and Skrillex. PS: Anna dropped ‘Candy’ by Dillon Francis, and my heart exploded with happiness (she also liked my tweet shown below -- shout out, GF).[embed]https://twitter.com/MorganMandriota/status/774109993750585344[/embed]We met a ton of really awesome people, including members of OWSLA, the founder of Vision District, DJ GRVDDI, and residents of Bushwick, Brooklyn. Overall, the OWSLA Showcase: NYFW Edition featuring a secret lineup did NOT disappoint. I walked out of the House of Yes exhausted and hungry but completely satisfied from a successful, enjoyable night. Can’t wait to go back to the venue again soon.[embed]https://twitter.com/MorganMandriota/status/774187442161287168[/embed]Thanks, OWSLA, for an amazing Thursday night!

25 Natural Stress Therapies That Don’t Require Medication

In a world overridden by unnatural ways of healing ourselves, I’ve found a few simple solutions to relieve stress. I wanted to compile a list of healthy ways that I help myself overcome my internal stresses and shut out the external stressors. 

Here are 25 simple, natural therapies for stress that don’t require medication and will ease your mind and bring you peace, at least for a little while:

 1. Listen to feel-good music.2. Go for a long drive with no destination in mind.3. Write, write, write. A poem, a blog, a song, a research paper, anything.4. Sit by the water. (Sitting by the water at sunrise or sunset is the best medicine.)5. Sing, even if you think you can’t.6. See a movie or binge watch a show.7. Exercise. Do yoga or cardio or lift weights.8. Lay in bed and do absolutely nothing. Sometimes it’s necessary.9. Sit in a coffee shop and get some work done.10. Read a book.11. Talk to and/or sit with somebody you confide in and feel comfortable with.12. Kick back and have a hot cup of tea.13. Spend time in nature.14. Go for a walk on a boardwalk or hiking trail.15. Cry. A good cry.16. Sleep. Nap it off.17. Pet an animal.18. Eat a delicious meal. Comfort food and organic health food are equally as satisfying.19. Treat yourself. Whatever that means, treat yourself to something.20. Learn. Research a new topic or discover how to do what you’ve been wanting to do.21. Create something. Make art. Anything.22. Shop. Retail therapy is a real thing!23. Sit in the sunshine.24. Hug somebody. It’s scientifically proven to relieve stress.25. Meditate. Breathe in and tune everything else out. All can be done with or without a friend, and most of the therapies on this list are free. Either way, they’ll be sure to lift your spirits up when in need. There are plenty of other ways, but these are my favorite cures for when I’m feeling down.  What’s your favorite stress therapy that doesn’t require medication? Let me know in the comments below. Also be sure to share this with someone who could benefit from this list. Thanks for reading! 

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25 Natural Stress That Don't Require Medication

Dear Future, I Need To Let You Go

Dear Future,I don’t know you. I don’t even know if we’ll ever meet. I mean, I hope we do, but nothing is promised, you know. Well, I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately so I figured I’d write you a letter.The past year or so has been a roller coaster. Career changes, life changes, lives lost, lessons learned, events passed, and it’s all got me thinking about what’s going to happen next.What’s in store for me tomorrow? Next month? Year? Decade? Will I ever get married, let alone find a steady partner? Will I solidify a steady income and buy a house? Will I get to travel the world like I’ve always wanted to do? Will I live in my home state forever or will I ever finally decide to venture out and explore new boundaries? I’m not even promised tomorrow, and yet I’m so worried about what the future will hold.So, Future, I’ve come to the decision that I need to let you go. It’s time to change the way I think and the way I live my life. I need to stop worrying about what’s to come and rather focus on the present moment. I dwell so much on what I can be doing later instead of what I can be doing right now, and now my goals are slipping away simply because I keep putting them off until tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow.No more.Future, I’m taking you for granted, and it’s doing more harm than good.I need to get my head in the NOW because the NOW is all I ever truly have. I can spend so much of my time and energy on what could happen when absolutely nothing is ever set in stone. All I’m really able to do is work on my current situation with the time I’m allotted to fulfill any goals I have right now. Of course, I’m still going to work toward my long-term goals and make long-term plans in case I’m granted the chance to make it that far. And, of course, little worries are going to find their way to the forefront of my mind, but you know what? I’m going to stop giving them as much weight as they’re being given right now.Future, I need to let you go. It’s time for a change, and that time is now.

11 Reasons Why Eleven From Netflix’s Stranger Things Is Your Spirit Animal

As you may have already heard or seen for yourself, Netflix’s new series Stranger Things has recently flipped the world upside down (pun intended). After finishing the first season, I found myself totally obsessed just like the rest of humanity. One thing I consistently noticed while watching was how closely I related to Eleven, or El, on a spiritual level. And I think it’s safe to say that many others might feel the same way.Here are 11 reasons why Eleven from Stranger Things is your spirit animal: 

  1. She absolutely loves food.

eleven eating a burger gif tumblr hawk + pearlRight off the bat, El finds her way into a restaurant and downs fries and burgers like it’s her job. We come to find out her appetite is literally insatiable throughout the entire show.  

  1. She calls people names and doesn’t GAF at all.

eleven mouth breather gif stranger things hawk + pearl gif tumblrShe specifically calls everybody a “mouth breather” which might be my new fav insult. 

  1. She actually doesn’t GAF… like ever.

eleven stranger things gif hawk + pearlShe doesn’t know how to play by the rules, and she straight up doesn’t care either. “Stay down here while I go to school so my parents don’t find you” -- nah, El is going upstairs to watch TV and sit in the La-Z-Boy.  

  1. That moment when she steals Eggo waffles from the supermarket.

eleven stealing waffles from supermarket stranger things hawk + pearl gifSide note: Let’s all take a moment to appreciate that flawless execution... 

  1. That even better moment when she’s alone in the woods, surrounded by all of her stolen Eggo boxes, stuffing her face with waffles.

eleven eating waffles in the woods stranger things hawk + pearl gif giphyAlthough I haven't actually done this before, I’ve never related to anything so hard in all my life. 

  1. She stands up for her friends.

eleven fighting demagorgon and dr brenner hawk + pearl gif giphyBreaking arms on cliffs, throwing people into walls, making government officials bleed out of their eyes, etc.  

  1. Furthermore, she sacrifices her well-being for her friends.

eleven demagorgon goodbye mike gifEven when faced head on with the Demagorgon, she takes her chances and fights on… and THAT is a true friend.  

  1. She has anxiety.

eleven anxiety stranger things gif hawk + pearlS a m e . 

  1. She’s hesitant around, and maybe even afraid of, new people.

eleven anxiety stranger thingsS A M E . 

  1. She tells it like it is and calls people out on their shit.

eleven friends don't lie stranger things gif“Friends don’t lie” is another new fav. Gonna use that one when I know my friends are lying straight to my face and I want to subtly let them know that I see right through their shit. And last but not least... 

  1. All she wants is love.

eleven stranger things hugging friends gif  Despite her rough past, it’s clear that all El really craves is love and a connection to other people. Honestly though, isn’t that what everybody ever truly wants anyway?  So it comes down to a love of food, loyalty to friends, anxiety, and the desire to be loved. Idk about you, but that sounds like my spirit animal to a T. All I know is that I’m impatiently waiting for Netflix to approve and release Stranger Things Season 2. Until then, I’ll just keep wishing Barb was alive and my friend IRL. If you agree and feel that Eleven is your spirit animal too, share this post on Facebook and Twitter! Thanks for reading!

The Bachelorette BFF Recap: Season 12 Finale (The Final Rose)

Tonight marks the end of the Bachelorette journey for Joelle “JoJo” Fletcher. Left with a decision to spend the rest of her life with either Jordan or Robby, who did she choose?For the final time, let's jump into our Bachelorette recap...


(going to do this in bullet form for a change)

  • Jordan meets JoJo’s family and tries way too hard to be loved
  • Jordan doesn’t ask her parents for their blessing to marry JoJo
  • Robby meets JoJo’s family and plays the down-to-earth genuine card
  • Robby does ask her parents for their blessing to marry JoJo
  • JoJo tells Jordan she’s disappointed in him for not asking for their blessing
  • Jordan speaks in circles and sounds like “ksjhdgkjsdgkjsndgkjsndgsdgjkh”
  • Robby and JoJo have a perfect last day together
  • Jordan calls JoJo’s parents after picking out a ring and finally receives their blessing
  • Robby and Jordan coincidentally both write letters to JoJo before the big moment

 So, what happened?Who received the final rose in The Bachelorette Season 12 with Joelle Fletcher? 

The Result…

 *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* dundundundunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... Jordan received the final rose!... AS IF THIS WASN’T OBVIOUS ENOUGH FROM THE VERY FIRST EPISODE.jojo fletcher jordan rodgers robby abc the bachelorette recap hawk + pearl  Robby was heartbroken and confused. Totally blindsided. The whole show made it seem like it was a no-brainer and he should have won.. But I guess that’s what the producers do every season. They make it seem like the loser (sorry, Robby) is the obvious choice and the winner isn’t.Whatev.Game over. Season over. Big disappointment. 

Who's the next Bachelor 2017?

The next Bachelor hasn’t yet been announced. I’m hoping it’s Chase because I don’t think I can stand to watch a full season of Luke. I’d also be okay with it being Chad. I wouldn’t mind watching him for a full season… but we all know ABC would never allow it. Plus, he’s on Bachelor in Paradise (which premieres tomorrow). We’ll see! So not only is the show over, but so is our very first round of The Bachelorette BFF Recaps on hawk + pearl! Thank you for reading each week. We’ll be doing the same thing next time around, only it’ll be called The Bachelor BFF Recap (duh). See you next year (unless you keep reading my blog posts which would be greatly appreciated)! As Evan always says, God bless America!american flag giphy