I Moderated A Roundtable Discussion About Sex With 15+ Strangers

When Tango’s founder Dana Savage and I hopped on our first call, it was like we had already known each other for years. We immediately hit it off and opened up to each other about our personal lives, beliefs, struggles, work projects, and goals. By the end of our hour-long call, she asked if I’d be interested in moderating the brand’s inaugural Sex Salon where a group of strangers would chat about the exact things we did – intimacy, romance, pleasure products, hookup culture, empathy, etc. My anxiety immediately started screaming “ABSOLUTELY NOT! HELL NO!” but somehow I ignored its incessant cries and accepted her offer right there on the spot. Leading up to the event, I thought of all of the reasons why I wasn’t qualified to lead the discussion (thanks, anxiety and imposter syndrome!), but I drove back home to Long Island that night fully confident that I made the right decision. I learned so much about myself and everyone else with whom I shared that table. We spoke about how our school system’s sex education had failed us, why sex toys are so inaccessible to people who don’t have an “in” with a friend who works at an adult shop or know someone who’s a sex writer with open DMs, and far more personal topics that I won’t share here. Moderating a roundtable discussion about sex with 15+ people I’d never met before was one of the most nerve-wracking, anxiety-inducing, emotional moments of my life to date, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have experienced it. [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_xM_9hms4/[/embed] I’m still internalizing that night at Honey’s in Brooklyn so the words aren’t coming out so easily quite yet. However, I was able to write this post as well as a more in-depth piece for Tango’s new blog and content series Everybody Blogs. I’ll drop the link at the end of this post. Perhaps my biggest takeaway from this roundtable is that we are all similar in more ways than we initially perceive, and it’s time that we work to remove the fear associated with initiating and having these intimidating, important discussions.  I challenge you to expose the things you’ve been hiding in fear of judgment or rejection. I ask you to place your anxieties and insecurities aside and practice vulnerability with a loved one or someone new about something you’re going through. Sure, you may receive mixed reactions, but I promise you’ll be shocked at the positive responses from unexpected people who deeply resonate with your message. By having these conversations, we learn that we’re not so alone and teach others that they’re not alone either. THANK YOU, Tango and Dana, for inviting me to attend and moderate this incredible event. It was an experience I’ll never forget. So excited for the next one! Read my essay for Tango titled “Here’s What I Learned About Vulnerability From Moderating A Roundtable About Sex” here. [embed]https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EZhoXHU2S/[/embed] 

Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: March-May 2019

HELLO! It’s been a while. I’ve been so insanely busy balancing amazing new opportunities and projects, including a podcast I’m launching very soon. Stay tuned, friends. Just because I haven’t been consistently posting these monthly snack and drink roundups does NOT mean that I haven’t been enjoying the best snacks and drinks. Because I definitely have been. Let’s jump right into what I’ve been eating and drinking lately: 

Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup:March-May 2019


Jade Leaf Matcha Fruit Bites 

 I LOVE JADE LEAF MATCHA! Their matcha fruit bites are basically the healthiest fruit snack equivalent. Peach Mango is easily the best flavor, but they’re all addicting. I was instantly obsessed, and so was anyone else who I shared them with.  And I’m so excited to say that I’ve partnered with Jade Leaf Matcha to offer new customers 15% OFF their order using discount code MORGAN15!!! (If you buy anything with that code, I get a reward in the form of sales commission.) 

Koia Keto Plant Protein Drinks

 Koia Keto protein drinks come in a bunch of different flavors, including chocolate brownie, cake batter, and caramel creme, and cinnamon horchata. As unhealthy as those flavors sound and as disgusting as these drink flavors usually taste, I was SO pleasantly surprised at how healthy these drinks are and how delicious they tasted.  

TCHO Chocolate Bites & Bars

 TCHO chocolate is phenomenal. The toffee + sea salt bites were addicting, and the dark chocolate pretzel crunch chocolate bar was my favorite bar flavor. These were all gone within a day or two of opening. Oops!  

Perfect Bar Protein Bars

 Perfect Bar protein bars are great as a snack or a light lunch substitute. Coconut Peanut Butter is my favorite bar flavor. Perfect Snacks also makes amazing snackable protein bites to enjoy after the gym — and any of my friends who know I've tried them (because I shared them on my Instagram stories) are obsessed too! 

PROBAR Live Probiotic Bars

 “Live probiotic bars” doesn’t exactly sound appetizing because you might think there are creepy crawly things inside the bars, but that’s not the case at all. PROBAR’s live probiotic bars are GOOD and they are HEALTHY. Coconut Cashew wins #1 flavor IMHO. 

Lily’s Sweets Dark Chocolate Bars & Covered Almonds

 You might remember Lily’s from my February favorite snack and drink roundup. Well, here it is again. Shout out to Lily’s for sending me this incredible surprise package filled with goodies that I devoured way too quickly! So grateful to be in contact with such awesome brands (who make such yummy treats). 

SoCo Tahini

 I had never tried tahini until recently, and now I’m hooked. When I’m getting hungry but don’t feel like eating something bad or heavy, SoCo Tahini paired with organic carrots makes the absolute best healthy snack.  

Dang Foods Bars

 Dang Foods bars are plant-based Keto-friendly bars that 1) are delicious and 2) remind me of Halvah bread. My favorite flavors are Lemon Matcha and Toasted Coconut. Try ‘em! 



  • Pull & Peel Twizzlers
  • Tate’s Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Milano Cookies in Coconut and Mint Chocolate

 Not healthy at all but delicious. Whatever. I splurged over the last few months. I’m over it.  Thanks so much for reading! Know of any products I should try? Let me know (or be the best and send them my way).

Here’s How Microsoft And Steelcase Are Redefining Technology & Space To Promote Wellness At Work

Microsoft and Steelcase announced their newest co-development on April 17, 2019: The Steelcase® Roam™ for the Microsoft Surface Hub 2S. I was fortunate enough to attend an exclusive press event at the Steelcase Showroom in NYC where I spoke with executives from both companies about what this means in regard to the employee experience, especially in terms of collaboration, productivity, and wellness for individual employees and teams alike. 

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 Wellness has become a topic of conversation in the office more so in recent years than ever before. But what exactly does it mean? Competitive pay, health insurance, and a fully stocked kitchen?  No—employee well-being goes beyond benefits and bagels on Friday mornings. It’s ensuring everybody has what they need in order to perform their job to the best of their ability during every shift. This includes access to the right tools to support you while working on your own or as a team. It also requires a progressive and inclusive office culture that is fostered by company decision makers. As a wellness writer and a former project manager at a software and mobile app development company, attending Microsoft and Steelcase’s #WorkYourWay event was the perfect opportunity to explore the intersection of these two topics:  

How exactly does technology and space tie into the employee (human) experience, and how can we use these innovations to promote a better sense of well-being in the office?

 “For workplaces to evolve, there are really three things at play: people, technology, and process,” said Robin Seiler, General Manager of Microsoft Devices. “Most companies say, ‘I will spend money, and I will put new technology in, and that will create a happy, healthy environment.’ The reality is the hardest factor to change is people. It’s culture, and it starts with culture. What is the culture that you want to establish in your company? And how are your process and technology going to support it?” According to Steelcase’s study on team-based work, there are five main reasons why teams struggle to collaborate: 

  1. New work, old office
  2. No place to call home
  3. Lack of control
  4. Ideas get stuck
  5. Technology barriers

 97% of people say that collaboration is important for creating ideas, developing solutions, and gathering different viewpoints. However, most office environments do not support active collaboration. For example, 69% of people want access to an interactive whiteboard or smartboard, whereas only 40% of people have it. Seiler continued, “When companies want to change, some [companies] waste money by simply trying to put in technology that their culture doesn’t support. And you see it when you walk into a conference room that has a Microsoft Surface Hub at one end but has a conference room table jammed up against that Hub so nobody would ever stand in front of it. Through culture, they are not supporting the technology. The two have to be intertwined.” Technology is constantly evolving at a rapid pace, but it shouldn’t impede progress or cause frustration at work. The tools we use should be designed and utilized to simplify and reduce the stresses associated with everyday tasks.  During my time at the event, I experienced firsthand how Microsoft and Steelcase are eliminating these barriers to promote employee wellness—by combining technology and space to create the ultimate work environment for any time, anywhere, any way collaboration.  

Introducing The Steelcase® Roam™ for the Microsoft Surface Hub 2S

 Microsoft Surface Hub 2S and Steelcase Roam Microsoft and Steelcase joined forces in 2017 under a shared mission: to improve the way people work. Two years and several innovations later, the two have announced their newest co-development: The Steelcase® Roam™ for the Microsoft Surface Hub 2S. Both developments work together to support active collaboration by encouraging physical activity, which promotes better cognitive ability and emotional engagement. Through the use of the Surface Hub 2S and Roam™, teams gain a true sense of shared-purpose collaboration. “Surface Hub gets people working differently—not technology. It’s the ability for people to stand around [the Hub] and have a conversation. Once you establish the culture, then you can use the process to support the evolutionary change that you want to make. And that’s the reinforcing point,” Seiler shared. The Steelcase® Roam™ was designed to host the Surface Hub and support the physical activity that promotes creativity. The mobile stand can be rolled across rooms to ensure people, too, are moving and gaining as much creative power through that movement, in the healthiest environment possible.  

Behind-the-scenes product tours

 David Cooper, Product Category Manager for Flex, showed me a few products within Steelcase’s new Flex Collection, including a super cool, height-adjustable desk that syncs with the Steelcase Rise app. Syncing the desk with the smartphone app promotes personal wellness in a few ways, including a vibrating reminder, that isn’t loud enough to disrupt your coworkers, to adjust your posture. Steelcase Flex Collection Height-Adjustable Desk and Rise App Seiler was also kind enough to pull me away from the main event space to “geek out” on a personal hardware and software tour. Aside from fangirling over the coolest tech I’ve ever seen up close, I saw how Microsoft’s product development is truly linked to, and based upon, the human experience. Microsoft Surface Hub 2S Hardware and Software Tour Consumers don’t realize the amount of time, research, and data that drives design decisions and how those decisions directly tie into our satisfaction. It’s the little things that make all the difference, like the Hub’s ergonomically conscious 10° handwriting angle or the Flex desk’s subtle vibrating reminder to sit or stand up taller. The hardware and the software work together to contribute to the employee (wellness) experience.  

What does employee wellness look like across different workspaces?

 Workplace wellness transcends beyond tech and space, especially for those whose “office” isn’t a set location. Remote employees require a different type of accessibility, but the same principles still apply. It fundamentally boils down to how we work, including what enables us to complete our job as efficiently and hassle-free as possible. Based on my experience at the #WorkYourWay event, I believe that employee well-being ultimately consists of four key components: 

  1. Collaboration
  2. Convenience
  3. Creativity
  4. Personal Wellness

 Contrary to what the “self-employed” title conveys, an independent contractor’s job is still extremely collaborative. As a freelance writer, I work remotely, yet I’m always working with others. I don’t work inside an office from 9am-5pm, but I’m very much still a part of multiple teams as I’m constantly communicating and sharing documents with clients through the software which enables me to do so.  Freelance photographer Reid Rolls’ “employee” experience requires a battery life that lasts long enough to conduct a shoot uninterrupted by the technology he relies on. After using Apple products for 20 years, Rolls took his Microsoft Surface Pro on a photo shoot the day before the press event. In between snapping professional headshots for attendees, he shared his thoughts. “I never once had to charge it, and the battery lasted the whole time,” he whispered, almost as if Apple was eavesdropping on our conversation. “It’s kind of amazing. I couldn’t believe it.”  While Brooklyn-based freelance illustrator Laura Supnik drew my portrait, we talked about what it’s like to freelance for a living. She mentioned how different tablets offer different creative experiences, but the conversation mainly revolved around how our jobs cater to our personal well-being. Streamlined organization, productivity, connection, and an environment which fosters creativity all play vital roles in our wellness experience, but the ability to work on our own terms and do what we love for a living is priceless—and that’s what makes our jobs worthwhile.  

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 According to Sara Armbruster, Vice President of Strategy, Research, and Digital Transformation for Steelcase, “Employee well-being is physical, emotional, and cognitive.” And I completely agree. No matter where we work and what we do, our jobs must support positive mental, emotional, and physical health.  Yes, the products we use and the space in which we work directly impact our employee experience and thus our personal well-being. So how do we ensure that team members are properly taken care of? How do we know if we’re creating an environment which promotes a sense of wellness in our employees?  

Integration is key to supporting a happy, healthy working environment.

 We must integrate the availability of options in the office so we have the freedom to choose what is best for us in order to thrive in the environment where we spend two-thirds of our lives.  “We don’t all operate the same way,” Armbruster said. “We all know what we need. We know what’s best for us, so we need options.”  It’s one thing to say you care about your employees, but how do you actively integrate this into your company’s everyday practices? Why invest in new chairs when you have functional ones? Why buy a new desk that rises and vibrates and syncs with an app when everyone already has their own desk?  At the end of the day, employees are people, and people have different needs. Integrating these wellness-inspired tech and space innovations that specifically cater to the human experience will result in happier, healthier employees. By supporting the mental, emotional, and physical health of individual team members, you are ultimately supporting the betterment of the team as a whole.  So does this mean there’s actually an “i” in team? Literally, no. Metaphorically, yes. If individuals aren’t working in an atmosphere that’s conducive to them feeling their best, then their work and the companies they work for won’t thrive either.  If this insight is any indication of the future of work, and how Microsoft and Steelcase are working to transform it, then we should all anticipate seeing some truly exciting workspace integrations within offices across the globe in the near future. How does your office support personal creativity and team collaboration? What does wellness in the workplace mean to you? Will you be integrating the Microsoft Surface Hub 2S or the Steelcase® Roam™ into your office? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Featured Image Credit: Steelcase

What If This Was Your Last Week To Live?

The future is an illusion which allows us to procrastinate and believe we have time, when all we ever really have is the present moment -- the here, and the now.  What if this was your last week to live?  Only seven days left to make the most out of a life you assumed would last forever. Only 168 hours to jam pack everything you’ve ever wanted to do and everywhere you’ve wanted to go before you die. What would you do? Would you quit your job? Would you confess your love to a secret crush? Would you travel to the place you’ve been dying to see but never took the chance to visit? Would you blow all of your money in Las Vegas on gambling, strippers, and drugs? Would you hide under a blanket and waste away full of regret? Or would you continue living your life as you have been?  Did you accomplish all of your goals? Or do you have unfinished business here? If the latter, why haven’t you taken care of it yet? For reasons out of your control? Because of fear? Or because you assume you have all the time in the world to do it?  What type of legacy would you leave on Earth? What type of imprint would you leave behind? Is it solely a professional one with awards and accolades from your successful career? Or have you changed and impacted the lives of those you met during your time here on a deeper level?  Are you happy with the answers to these questions? This whole concept popped into my mind while sitting at the coffee shop doing some work on my laptop. I wrote about this much down until I had to stop myself because of the overwhelming amount of emotion heating up in my stomach, chest, throat, and face.  (I’m here, still writing, pushing through. Hi.) Is this overwhelm a sign that I’m not living my life to the fullest? Is this what it feels like to have an existential or quarter-life crisis? Or maybe it’s a sign that I’m afraid of dying and death. Either way, I should be able to write about this without feeling like I’m going to cry.  There is one person that I’ve ever met who said that he would be content with dropping dead in the blink of an eye. He claims to have lived life to the fullest and there’s nothing left for him to do here, so he’d be fine with dying at any time.  I don’t understand how anyone can feel this way. I certainly don’t feel that way. I want to live. There’s so much life to live. So much left to do. Accomplish. Experience. Say. Write. Create. Fulfill. Are we living life wrong? Am I living life wrong? The cold, harsh truth is that we never know what’s going to happen -- today, tomorrow, next week, or in five years down the line.  You can walk outside and something tragic and accidental can happen that drastically shakes up your world as you knew it.  You can visit the doctor and receive a terminal diagnosis.  We need to make the most of life right NOW.  The future is an illusion which allows us to procrastinate and believe we have time, when all we ever really have is the present moment -- the here, and the now.  If this was your last week to live, what would you do differently? Which dream destination would you visit? To whom would you say “I love you” that you’ve never said it to before? What would you immediately check off your bucket list? Would you regret working the role you’re currently in instead of following your true passion? Think about that. Then take action.  Do it now.  Go there now.  Say it now.  Take the risk now.  Change your life and follow your heart and pursue your dreams in order to be happy TODAY. Live life to the fullest -- starting now. Because the “now” is all we have, and we never know when it’ll be too late.   Share your answer(s) to these questions below, and please share this post if it resonates with you. 

Start Your Spring Cleaning With These 10 Personal Wellness Products

Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, and the weather is warming up -- it’s time to clear out the old and bring in the new to become a better you. Are you ready to start your spring cleaning?  And I’m not talking about dusting and vacuuming and packing up your things... I mean cleansing and upgrading your mind, body, and personal space to make you feel better ASAP and in the months to come.  Don’t worry! I already did the dirty work for you. I found and tried a bunch of different products and mobile apps to find the easiest way to organize your things, get into a better mental state, and declutter your home this spring. You’re welcome. 

Here are the 10 best personal wellness products and apps to help you with your spring cleaning this season.


Organize Your Thoughts & Things

 fitlosophy Grateful Heart Fitspiration Journal

fitlosophy Grateful Heart Fitspiration Journal 

 Journaling (and writing in general) is super helpful for organizing your thoughts, feelings, goals, etc. The fitlosophy Grateful Heart Fitspiration Journal is perfect for doing all of the above.  Its pages are filled with fit tips, inspirational quotes, and writing prompts like “Today I am grateful for…” and “THIS INSPIRES ME” so you can jot down everything going on in your scatterbrain. See? fitlosophy Grateful Heart Fitspiration Journal Inside Look choose to be happy Daily To-Do Jotter

choose to be happy: daily to-do jotter

 If that fitspiration journal intimidated you, then maybe an empty notepad is more your style. Fill in the blanks with whatever you want in the choose to be happy daily to-do jotter.  Use it to write down your list of groceries, things you have to buy, or which errands you have to run. It also serves a water tracker. Color in the little water drops on the bottom of the pages to track how many glasses of water you drank each day. Boxy Girl Stackable Organizers

Boxy Girl Everything Stack & Double Stack Organizers

 Declutter your vanity, desk, or dresser surfaces and save space by putting all of your things into stackable organizers. Boxy Girl stackables come in all shapes and sizes and are typically used for makeup and jewelry, but I have like five pieces of makeup and no jewelry, so I use the Everything Stack & Double Stack for my CBD product collection instead.  Boxy Girl Stackable OrganizersLOOK HOW PRETTY IT IS!  I also gifted a couple to my mom so she could clean up her makeup vanity, and she’s equally as obsessed. Adero Smart Organization System Tags & App

Adero Smart Organization System

 Have you ever wished there was something you could use to magically find the stuff you always lose? Same.  Well, Adero created it, and it’s a smart organization system that works via Bluetooth. If you’re like me and you lose your keys all the time, get your sh*t together and never lose them again with the Adero app and smart tags. 

Cleanse Your Mind, Body, And Spirit

 Meditation Studio App

Meditation Studio App

 Clear your mind and get into a better headspace by meditating with the help of an app like Meditation Studio. I use a bunch of different meditation apps but this one offers a huge variety of collections and courses taught by world-renowned teachers that literally anyone can use to meditate for improved sleep, work, health, kindness, and happiness. WANT TO START MEDITATING? READ MY GUIDE TO MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS!  Way of Will Muscle Soak Bath Set

Way of Will Muscle Soak Bath Set

 Relax, unwind, and refresh your body in preparation for spring with Way of Will’s natural bath soak set, complete with essential oils and Himalayan bath salts. It’s the perfect way to clean yourself after you clean your house.  Way of Will also makes a bunch of other natural cosmetic products like healthy deodorants and serums in case you want to swap out some of your old, unhealthy personal care items (the tea tree and pumpkin seed deodorant: A+). 

Clean & Upgrade Your Space

 Moodo Smart Aroma Diffuser App

Moodo Smart Aroma Diffuser App

 Rich-fragranced candles are a thing of the past. There are so many healthier candle alternatives out there like beeswax, soy, and coconut wax candles -- but those still might spark up your allergies, which is the LAST thing you want more of in the springtime. Get rid of your toxic candles in exchange for a natural aromatherapy device like Moodo. Moodo is a smart home aroma diffuser that enables scent personalization and customization right from your phone. So cool, so modern, so good-smelling (such bad grammar). Awair Glow App & Wall Plugin

Awair Glow Wall Plugin & App

 Do you know how clean the air is in your home, apartment, or bedroom? No?! Well, it’s time for you to learn.  Get educated about the air you breathe in and out every day by monitoring it with the Awair Glow wall plugin and app. You get phone notifications whenever the air quality changes (which I’m obsessed with) like this: Awair Glow App Phone Notifications I never thought I’d be so pumped to know about the CO2 levels in my apartment.  PhoneSoap 3 Smartphone Sanitizer

PhoneSoap Smartphone Sanitizer

 Do you know how many germs are on the very thing you touch every day all day long? Well, according to PhoneSoap’s website, a cell phone carries about 18x more bacteria than a public restroom. BARF. SANITIZE THAT SH*T! Clean your phone with PhoneSoap 3’s phone cleansing case. Literally just pop it in the case and turn it on to kill the microorganisms breeding on your phone that wiping your screen on your shirt won’t clean off. FitOn Fitness App

FitOn Fitness App

 Throw out the dumbbells you never use that have been collecting dust in the corner of your room, and workout without equipment by using an app instead.  FitOn lets you exercise from home with your friends or by yourself with the help of world class fitness trainers. Choose from cardio, strength, HIIT, dance, yoga, and even prenatal workouts, and never pay for another gym membership or look at dusty dumbbells again. 

The best part about all of these personal wellness products? You can use them to help you clean this spring then continue to use them all year long!

 Good luck with your spring cleaning. Let me know how it goes in the comments below or on Instagram/Twitter @morganmandriota. :) 

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Start Your Spring Cleaning With These 10 Personal Wellness Products


Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: February 2019

Welcome to my second Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup!

 Happy February, friends!  This month’s list of snack and drink obsessions features more snacks than drinks, mainly because I’ve been super hungry lately.  It also includes a few snacks with dairy in it which is totally against my usual strict diet.  I’ve basically started to not give as much of a fuck because I’m sick of not eating delicious things just because I’d break out in a stupid rash. YOLO, amirite? On that note... 

These are the top 10 snacks and drinks I’ve been obsessed with throughout February 2019:


If you missed January’s roundup, check it out here!


Sejoyia Coco-Thins Salted Caramel Cookies

 Sejoyia Coco-Thins Salted Caramel Okay, so Sejoyia makes a few different cookie flavors like Lemon Zest, Chocolate, and Vanilla (all of which I’ve tried, of course) and they’re all good, but their salted caramel cookies taste JUST like Girl Scouts Samoas… except they’re way healthier.  These paleo-friendly and gluten-free cookies are made with only five healthy ingredients like cassava flour, coconut, and cashews so they’re totally safe to binge on… anddddd yeah, I’ve been binging on them. 

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Vegan White Cheddar

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Vegan White Cheddar If you follow me on Instagram (which you should), then you already know I’ve been obsessing over these cheese doodle knockoffs for weeks.  Do you like cheese doodles? If so, welcome to your newest snack obsession.  Hippeas chickpea puffs are organic, vegan, soy free, dairy-free, non-GMO, delicious, and all of those other amazing qualities found in a good snack. Whether or not you follow a vegan or dairy-free diet, these vegan white cheddar puffs taste EXACTLY like cheese doodles, only they’re not loaded with bad ingredients.  

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Bohemian Barbeque

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs Bohemian Barbeque Once I fell in love with Hippeas’ vegan white cheddar puffs, I had to try this barbeque flavor because I love me a good barbeque chip. I honestly don’t know which flavor I like more. Regardless, these puffs are such a good, healthy alternative to LAY’S baked BBQ chips.  Try it out.  

Open Road Snacks Rocky Mountain Popcorn

Open Road Snacks Rocky Mountain Popcorn As you already know, I’m not supposed to eat dairy, but Open Road Snacks’ white cheddar popcorn is 100% worth the risk of an allergic reaction. This popcorn is non-GMO, gluten-free, and addicting. I have yet to try the other flavors but I have Jalapeno Cheddar and Butter bags waiting for me when I’m ready. Stay tuned. 

Lily’s Sweets Chocolate

Lily's Sweets Chocolate Bar Flavors Lily’s Sweets makes chocolate bars without any added sugar, which I’m a huge fan of. I’ve tried a bunch of different flavors shown above (salted almond, dark chocolate, creamy milk chocolate, etc.) but the caramelized & salted chocolate bar has become my latest guilty pleasure. The milk chocolate isn’t dairy-free but the dark chocolate is. Again, totally worth the risk of an allergic reaction.  

From The Ground Up Cauliflower Pretzel Sticks

From The Ground Up Cauliflower Pretzel Sticks My sister-in-law told me to try these cauliflower pretzels, and I’m SO thankful she did because omg. I could (and do) easily kill a bag of these in one sitting. These pretzels are very different than your everyday pretzel. Made from cassava flour and mix of veggies and other decently healthy ingredients, they have this flavor I can’t even describe but it’s soooo good.  


GH Mumm Cardon Rose Champagne I’m not much of a drinker or a champagne lover, but I really channeled my inner fancy/basic bitch this past month. On Valentine’s Day, my best friend and I popped open a bottle of G.H. Mumm's rosė to celebrate how single we are while we ate our massive to-go orders of delicious fried rice at my apartment. I also tried Strongbow’s 100-calorie apple rosė hard cider. Although I had a good run with it, I think I’ll leave the rosė in February and stick with my usual fav -- margaritas. 



  • Lotus Foods Buckwheat & Mushroom Ramen
  • Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  • Rebbl Dark Chocolate Protein Drink

 Thanks for reading! Come back next month to find out what other awesome stuff I’ve been eating and drinking.  Have any personal favorite snacks or drinks that you think I’d like? Let me know in the comments below. 

What To Do & How To Handle When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Have you ever had a dream only for it to fall through? Have you ever set a goal that you were never able to reach? This could be something as simple as going on a date that someone bails on or as major as losing the perfect job after going to school for four years to attain it.  Because I have!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made amazing plans for them to get completely obliterated.  I’ve had countless dreams that never came to fruition, and I’ve imagined hundreds of awesome ideas that never saw the light of day.  I’ve attempted to recreate so many drool-inducing Pinterest meals for them to come out like absolute shit (and yes, I followed the recipes).  I planned to get my Master’s Degree and become a college professor of English, and now I’m freelance writing full-time with a Bachelor of Arts and a few years of digital marketing experience. 

What do you do and how do you handle when things don’t go as planned?

 What happens when something you’ve envisioned working out and lasting forever -- whether it’s a relationship, a career path, or a project -- doesn’t work out or last at all? How do you handle the redirection and the possible disappointment that comes along with it?  My best friend just started her last semester of college this week. It’s almost been five years since I graduated college… which is what’s got me thinking about this very topic -- how some things really don’t go according to plan, no matter how hard you try to plan it out. As I was finishing my BA in English in 2014, I had planned to continue my education at SUNY New Paltz in order to achieve my career goal as a college professor of English. By May, I was officially enrolled to earn my Master’s Degree and work as a TA teaching freshman English literature classes. By June, I registered for and scheduled my first semester’s classes and signed the lease on a beautiful home five minutes away from campus with really cool roommates. I was literally all set.  On July 14, the last day I was due to lock in my student loans, I pulled out of grad school. According to Maryville University’s website, “Tuition can exceed $30,000 at private colleges and $20,000 at public institutions per school year. Textbooks and supplies also figure into the total expenditure required to get a college degree.” No, thanks. So, yeah, I didn’t choose to continue my schooling elsewhere because I didn’t want to repay loans for the rest of my life after coming out of my BA without any debt. I had no backup plan. My friends from college all had plans to go to local universities to get their MAs and PhDs, and I chose to continue working my bartending job at a local Italian restaurant. Cool.  Going to college and earning your degree does not lock you into pursuing a career in the field of your major... Just like putting all of your time, energy, and heart into a relationship does not mean it’s going to last….  Just like spending hundreds of dollars on a fancy camera doesn’t mean you’re going to score a YouTube influencer career. (Yup, I had this dream too.) Plotting out your roadmap to success takes a lot of hard work and dedication. But do we ever account for a backup plan? Or do we just wing it when the wheels fall off?  How are we supposed to healthily cope with things when they fall through and there’s no Plan B? It can be hard. But a simple shift in mindset can transform your devastation into redirection toward something more magical than you could’ve ever imagined. I never thought that I would be blogging and writing for a living. I never thought I’d still be single and learning how to love myself at age 26. Back in high school, I literally thought I was going to be a homeowner and married with kids by now... and that is SO not the case.  But I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.  I really believe that what is meant to be will be. And when one door closes, another door opens. It all works out for the best, even when we least expect it to. I try to convince myself of those things every day to save my sanity and keep my cool, because no matter how hard you plan things out, the truth is that they just might turn out the exact opposite.  Out of the thousands of times and hundreds of ways in which my plans have completely derailed, I’ve learned so many valuable lessons that I wouldn’t have learned otherwise -- all of which has led me to where I am, who I am, and how I lead my life today. And that’s really crazy to think about.  Life is wild and unpredictable, and we may never know why things play out the way they do. But that’s what makes it so interesting. We just have to ride the waves and see where we wind up on shore -- or who knows? Maybe while swimming for dear life we’ll fall so in love with the sea that we’ll never return back to land. We’ll just have to wait and find out. Read Next: 12 Everday Habits That Will Improve Your Quality Of Life 

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Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup: January 2019

Welcome to my very first Monthly Favorite Snacks & Drinks Roundup!

 HAPPY 2019, EVERYONE! Hope your new year is off to an amazing start.  Every month I find different treats to become obsessed with… and I mean OBSESSED with. I try new things then immediately fall in love with them and unnecessarily drop hundreds of dollars on them feel the need to buy these items in bulk every week until my obsession subsides. It’s actually probably (definitely) an issue.  On that note, I’ve decided to start this new segment on my blog which will feature all of my latest food and drink addictions.  Like the self-proclaimed foodie and health nut that I am, these snacks and drinks are usually quirky in nature, dairy-free, and as healthy as can be -- because that’s the type of stuff I consume (thanks to a kick in the ass by my worst friend ever Lyme disease). Ready to find out all the weird and delicious stuff I eat and drink on a monthly basis? K, let’s go. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.  

These are the top 7 snacks and drinks I’ve been obsessed with throughout January 2019:


gimMe Organic Seaweed

gimMe Organic Seaweed Snacks & Thins in Teriyaki, Sesame, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, and Wasabi Flavors Nutritious, delicious, and weird as hell, seaweed is my #1 addiction lately. I eat it every day either as a snack straight from the container or as a hand roll wrapped with brown rice and avocado. gimMe’s organic seaweed snacks come in a ton of flavors -- Toasted Sesame is my original favorite, then I tried Teriyaki, Olive Oil, and Sea Salt, all of which are equally as awesome and now incorporated into my weekly rotation.  If you want to learn more about weird food trends, check out this post I wrote for Betches! 

Szent Water

Drink Szent Water In Passionfruit, Tangerine, Pineapple, and Mint Flavors Don’t like regular water? Don’t want to make your own detox water by infusing it with fruits, spices, herbs, and other magical ingredients that will make you debloat and lose weight? Try Szent Water. There’s a ring around the neck with oils around it that add a kick of flavor to your water. I prefer the Pineapple flavor but the Mint comes in second place. It’s definitely different than drinking normal or fruit-infused water but it’s a really cool alternative.  

Brew Dr. Kombucha

Organic Brew Dr. Kombucha LOVE Flavor I originally tried this kombucha after being summoned to try a free sample at Whole Foods -- and ya girl loves free stuff, so I tried it, and I loved it. Literally. The Brew Dr. flavor I love most is the Love flavor followed by Superberry. These kombuchas are organic and low in sugar and made with simple, good ingredients. They also gave me a free stainless steel straw for trying the samples, so yay for saving dollars and the environment!  


Homemade Organic Ramen Topped With Sesame Seeds, Scallions, And Seaweed Ramen has become a weekly staple for me. I started off by making it myself, and it came out AMAZING. But then I got super lazy and researched the next best thing -- instant ramen that isn’t packed with preservatives and sodium and other shit. Lotus Foods makes a fantastic gluten-free brown rice ramen buckwheat mushroom soup that serves as an awesome alternative to the typical salty white rice ramen I used to love prior to eliminating all white-foods from my diet. 

Justin’s Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups

Justin’s Dark Chocolate Cashew Butter Cups Since I can’t have peanut butter anymore, I’ve had to find substitutes for my chocolate-peanut butter addiction (see: this delicious chocolate peanut butter overnight oats recipe). I’ve tried sunflower butter cups and almond butter cups, but NOTHING compares to the deliciousness that is Justin’s organic and gluten-free dark chocolate cashew butter cups. They. Are. Incredible. 

Rebbl Dark Chocolate Protein Drink

Organic REBBL Dark Chocolate Protein Super Herb Elixir Rebbl’s dark chocolate “super herb elixir” is my all-time favorite protein drink to chug after I get home from training jiu-jitsu. It’s organic, dairy-free, soy-free, ethically sourced, and tastes just like chocolate milk. It’s also full of crazy superfood ingredients like maca, ashwagandha, and reishi. On the pricier side at $5/bottle, it’s 100% worth it. 

Almond Milk Latte With Cinnamon

Almond Milk Latte With Cinammon This is my new go-to order from Starbucks and the local coffee shop where I’m currently writing this article. It’s pretty basic but it hits the spot with a nice dose of caffeine and anti-inflammatory superpower thanks to cinnamon. Shout out to the Patchogue Bean who makes a perfect one!  Anddddd that’s it for my very first favorite snacks and drinks roundup! Come back next month for an updated list of my newest food and drink obsessions. :)  Thanks for reading. Have you ever tried any of these things? What have been your latest snack and drink addictions? Let me know in the comments below.  READ NEXT: 10 Best Snacks From Trader Joe's 

Work Smarter, Not Harder: How To Stay Organized & Improve Productivity At Work

It can be difficult to stay sane when you work a job with heavy responsibilities and tight deadlines. Things can get hectic when emails are flowing in like crazy and you have a meeting in an hour but you need to finish working on a project you pushed off until the last minute because you were too busy handling other important tasks.  I get it. We’ve all been there.  Before I started freelancing full-time, I worked as a creative content director at a digital marketing agency and a digital project manager at a software and mobile app development company. Throughout all of these high-level (and high-stress) positions, I would have absolutely lost my mind if I hadn’t found ways to organize my tasks and save my sanity. If you aren’t a very orderly person who thrives on color coding your inbox labels and creating beautifully structured spreadsheets, that’s okay. There are so many things you can do, routines you can get into, apps and platforms you can use, and simple ways to help you stay more organized and boost your productivity throughout the workday. 

Stop working harder, and start working smarter! Here are my tips on how to improve your workflow, no matter where you work or what you do:


Apps, Tools, & Platforms To Use

 How To Stay Organized & Improve Productivity At Work -- Apps, Tools & Platforms To Use Google Drive. Google Drive is your new best friend (if it isn’t already). When you’re in charge of handling a million different projects, using Google Drive enables you to keep everything in one place. Since they’re stored in the cloud, all of your important documents and spreadsheets are easily accessible and manageable by anyone from anywhere at any time. Google Docs and Google Sheets have been my two lifelines when it comes to organizing my client information, like assignments, payments, and invoices. Some of the other Google Drive features include Calendar, Slides, Forms, Drawings, My Maps, and Sites. Google Docs. Google Docs drastically simplifies the whole content management process, including managing writer submissions, storing blog posts, and making edits. Microsoft Word or PDF files work if you don’t need to work as a team, but tracking documents across users is a breeze when you write, edit, and submit all content using Docs. Google Sheets. In my opinion, spreadsheets are the best way to manage all campaigns and keep data in one place. Create separate spreadsheets and tabs for each client, website, or project that you manage, and grant access to each individual user who works on it. You can even create your own personal spreadsheet to track daily tasks, eventual goals, login usernames and passwords, etc. Bookmarks. Bookmarking is an effective way to save important websites, links, and articles to read at a later date. I personally use Google Chrome as my bookmarking tool of choice since that’s the main browser on both my phone and computer. All of my bookmarks are stored in a centralized location and assorted into special categories (like “Video Editing Tips,” “Freelance Work,” and [Project Name]), enabling me to refer back to them with ease no matter which device I’m on. However, there are other bookmarking tools and apps you can use, like Evernote or Pinterest. Project management software. If you’re part of a big team and in charge of managing multiple campaigns, project management software keeps everybody on track and in-the-know of what’s going on, what needs to be done, who’s in charge of what, and the status of each project or assignment. Trello is my favorite project management tool, but there are hundreds of others that enable users to share files, store data, and communicate with coworkers. Team communication apps. Skype and Google Hangouts are the two apps that I’ve used most frequently to chat with people at work. No matter which software you use, keeping all communication with coworkers, clients, and freelancers stored within one place is crucial for referring back to important messages as quickly and easily as possible.   

Routines & Habits To Get Into

 How To Stay Organized & Improve Productivity At Work -- Routines & Habits To Get Into Set goals. Setting goals is a key part of establishing when and how you will accomplish all of your tasks for the day, week, month, quarter, and year. Take the time to devise a plan of what you need to do and the deadlines associated with each project. Every morning, create a handwritten or digital note with a checklist full of the things that need to get done that day to make sure they’re all taken care of, pushing you one step closer to completing those bigger, overarching goals.  Set reminders. We aren’t superheroes or elephants. We can’t remember everything, especially when we have so many different things happening at the office (and in our personal lives) on a daily basis. Set reminders on your phone or in your calendar to notify you of when deadlines are approaching, when meetings are scheduled, and when to follow up with certain people.  Stop multitasking. Although this may be easier said than done, you need to stop multitasking and trying to tackle a million things at once. You can’t split your energy in 15 different directions and expect to get anything accomplished. Close the 500 tabs you have open in your browser, get off social media, and focus your energy on knocking one task off of your to-do list at a time.  Keep your desk clean. As silly as it sounds, decluttering your desk will also declutter your mind. A clean desk can go a long way for many reasons. It will clear space so you can organize papers and files, it will reduce your stress, and it will make you feel better walking into a clear workspace each morning.  Take breaks. Whether you head outside to get some fresh air, go for a drive around town, grab a snack from the kitchen, or take a lap around the office, it’s super important to take breaks throughout the workday. Stepping away from the computer to clear your head for a bit can give you the sense of refreshment you need to conquer writer/creator’s block and tackle the project that you’ve been stuck on for the last hour without progress. Put your phone down or away. Notifications constantly popping up on your phone are one main source of distraction at work. It’s hard to get anything done when your friends are going off in a group chat and you keep receiving Snapchat messages. Put the phone down and flip it over, store it in your bag, or throw it in a desk drawer until your priorities are taken care of and you can spare a minute or two to check Snapchat or send a text back.  

General Organization & Productivity Tips

 How To Stay Organized & Improve Productivity At Work -- General Organization & Productivity Tips Create a calendar. Whether you purchase a paper calendar for your desk or you set up a digital calendar (via Google Calendar or some other sort of platform), doing so will allow you to see the bigger picture and keep you on track toward meeting deadlines, completing tasks, and reaching goals each month. Use this calendar to schedule out days and times of when certain assignments are due, posts should be shared on social media, and meetings are to be held.  Label everything. Labeling emails, paperwork, and spreadsheets is so important for keeping things in order. Stick Post-Its on notebook pages, carefully title email subject lines, and name and color code digital folders. Using certain colors is also extremely helpful for quickly recognizing what a certain file or message relates to and reducing your time sifting through thousands of files to find something.  Organize your inbox. Organizing emails is one of my favorite organization tips. Take the time to go through your inbox and categorize important emails by project name, sender, or campaign. I’m beyond proud of my Gmail inbox and the way it’s arranged (yes, I’m a nerd). I’ve assigned labels, colors, and filters to each important contact and campaign so I can simply click on a folder and find whatever topic or message thread I’m searching for.  Keep a notebook or agenda. Writing things down has been proven to help you remember them. It also feels great to literally cross things off of your list after you accomplish them. If you’re not tech-savvy or you just prefer to have everything done manually, purchase a cute notebook or agenda and use it as your calendar, checklist, and planner for the day, week, month, and year.   I hope you will use these tips to help you become better organized, increase your productivity, and start to work smarter rather than harder at your job. Did I forget an important tip or tool? How do you stay sane at work? Let me know in the comments below! READ NEXT: 3 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life 


Work Smarter, Not Harder: How To Stay Organized & Improve Productivity At Work (hawkandpearl.com) 

How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget

 So you just moved into a brand new place, or maybe you're trying to redesign the layout of your current space... but you're tight on cash. You might be wondering how you’re going to find the funds to buy furniture and decorate your apartment in a way that doesn’t look super tacky or cheap. In a rental space, you might not have the freedom to paint walls or renovate rooms. Wondering how to style your apartment on a budget? There are tons of ways to tastefully (and temporarily) decorate your apartment on minimal funds so you can live in a chic, cute place that matches your personality and feels like home.  I’ve lived in my own one-bedroom apartment for over a year now, and these are all of the things I did and continue to do to make my rental feel more like my own.  

Welcome to my guide on how to style your apartment on a budget!


Where To Find Design & Decor Inspiration

 First things first, you are going to need some design inspiration. Here are a few places where you can look to find apartment style ideas: Where To Find Design & Decor Inspiration - Pinterest - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.comPinterest: Pinterest is your one-stop-shop for all things design inspo. All you have to do is enter a search for absolutely anything apartment or home related, and you will find thousands of photos of beautiful, quirky, uniquely designed rooms and decor. Organize and save your favorite pins by creating boards for each room in your apartment so you can easily refer back when it’s time to go shopping.  Where To Find Design & Decor Inspiration - Instagram - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.comInstagram: Instagram is the social media platform where influencers typically showcase personal, behind-the-scenes images of their lives and homes. Think of your favorite fashion or general influencers, then check out their Insta-feeds. Chances are there will be photos of them drinking coffee in their gorgeous kitchens and high-angle shots of them sitting on beds of cozy blankets and fluffy pillows.  Where To Find Design & Decor Inspiration - Home Design Magazines - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.comHome design magazines: Yes, magazines still exist, and they are great resources for finding design inspiration. Next time you visit the store, locate the magazine racks near the cash registers and flip through a home design magazine to see what’s trending when it comes to modern decor. No, you don’t have to buy those exact items, because they are probably extremely expensive, but you can search for similar things online or in-store elsewhere.   Where To Find Design & Decor Inspiration - Google - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.comGoogle: Google is the most popular search engine for a reason. It returns millions and millions of blog posts and image results that are ranked in order of how relevant and how much value they provide users based on their search query. Type in “apartment decor inspiration” or “kitchen design ideas” or “how to style my living room” and either read the recommended blog posts or click over to Google Images to view thousands of related photos. The internet is a wonderful thing. 

Apartment Styling Tips & Guidelines

 Apartment Styling Tips.& Guidelines - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.com Now that you have the inspiration of what you want your dream apartment to look like, it’s time for you to follow these general tips and guidelines for how to furnish your place:  Don’t fill your apartment with “stuff.” Minimalism, a philosophy that adopts the idea that less is more, is in. Enrich your apartment with meaningful items like souvenirs from past travels or things passed on to you by family members. Don’t waste your money by spending it on useless decor that serves no purpose. Opt for special, functional furnishings that add character to your space instead.  Follow a set color scheme. Chances are that your apartment will have neutral colored walls, and that’s okay. That just means that it’s up to you to complement those grays, beiges, and whites with pops of color. However, don’t go too crazy with colors (unless you have a funky style, then do your thing!) because it might be too overwhelming. Strive to maintain a consistent color scheme throughout your place mixed with splashes of colored accessories, like artwork, pillows, and blankets. Remember that specific colors can change an atmosphere, enhance a mood, and help to make your space appear more uniform, so choose wisely. Get creative with your storage. A little bit of organization goes a long way, especially if you’re willing to get creative with it. This could entail something as small as piling up your mail that is scattered across your place and storing it in a hidden drawer or crafting a DIY project like restoring an old cabinet or dresser that somebody on your block put out on the curb as junk. Keep things clean and orderly. It might sound silly and simple, but keeping your apartment tidy and neat will actually make it appear larger (and much nicer). Something as easy as making your bed every morning before work or vacuuming once a week will make a noticeable difference in the way your apartment looks.   

Little Things To Buy For Your Apartment & Where To Find Them

 Little Things To Buy For Your Apartment & Where To Find Them - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.com Here is a short list of little things that will help to spice up your bedroom, living room, kitchen, or hallway: • Throw pillows • Decorative blankets• Plants (MY FAVORITE!)• Candles• Wall art/decals• Removable wallpaper• Area rugs• Mirrors• Couch covers• Fake/removable tile backsplashes• DIY projects And here are some cost-effective places where you can buy those items: • Marshall’s• Home Goods• TJ Maxx• Target• Amazon• Bargain websites (like Brad’s Deals)• Facebook Marketplace• Craigslist• eBay• Dollar stores• Thrift stores• Garage sales 

Ballin’ On A Budget

 How & Where To Buy Cheap Decor - How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget - hawkandpearl.com Last but not least, here are a few ways to score decor for as low as possible, or even for free: Use coupons and shop around for discounts. If you shop at more popular, mainstream stores, then you will most likely wind up paying top dollar for things you can find way cheaper elsewhere. If you do wish to shop there, check for coupons and special offers. For example, Bed Bath & Beyond regularly sends out coupons in the mail for 20% off an item or $5 off a purchase of $15 or more. A simple Google search will also return a bunch of online coupons you can use on your phone at checkout. Don’t be afraid to shop around for less expensive options for items of similar quality and style. If necessary, you can always spring and buy the more expensive item that you love so much and can’t live without, then spend carefully on everything else. Check clearance sections for reduced and/or slightly damaged yet 100% useable items. No matter where I shop or what I’m shopping for, my favorite thing to do is browse the clearance section. Yes, because I’m thrifty, but mainly because I don’t see the need in throwing so much money toward a brand new item when I can spend a fraction of the price on something that looks gently used. Rather than buying a perfectly untouched garbage can for my kitchen at full price, I bought one with a couple of dings and dents in it on Marshall’s clearance shelf for $10 instead. Save your money and spend it where it counts. Ask your family and friends if they want to give away anything that they don’t need anymore. Sometimes your parents, siblings, or close friends are clinging to things in their basement or closets that they outgrew, don’t want out for show, or just don’t have a need for anymore. If you ask, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that they have a bunch of cool things in mint condition for you to take off their hands. As a result, they clear up space and get rid of something they don’t want and you gain something that you need for free -- it’s a win-win.  Thanks for reading! I hope this apartment style guide helps you to figure out where to find design inspiration, how to decorate your apartment, and where to get the things to pull it all off. Please feel free to share your own tips and personal experience in styling your apartment in the comments below. Read Next: The Ultimate Guide On How To Plan A Road Trip On A Budget 

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How To Style Your Apartment On A Budget


5 Of The Most Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned In 2018

2018 was an incredible, wild, and life-changing year for so many reasons.  It was a significant year of growth, change, and experience in all aspects of my life. In summary... I ventured out of my comfort zone, traveled a lot, met so many amazing new people, lost friends who I still care deeply about, achieved huge goals and set new ones, and closed chapters I never thought would end.  More specifically, over the past year... 

  • I left a full-time job and devoted more time to building up my career as a freelance writer.
  • I started training Brazilian jiu-jitsu at Maxum BJJ and earned 3 stripes on my white belt.
  • I traded in my Honda Civic in exchange for a brand new Jeep.
  • I increased my spirituality and began studying dreams, astrology, and numerology.
  • I started a YouTube channel.
  • I traveled to 7 new locations and went on a 16-day road trip along the east coast with my best friend.

 [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vwDyHehNSU&list=PLKIFdJAmFJqhNAKu0vFTkrHtSB_juJhFC[/embed] Related: The Ultimate Guide On How To Plan A Road Trip On A Budget Through the relationships I’ve built and the things I’ve experienced over the past 365 days, I learned so many lessons that I will apply and carry into the new year and the rest of my life.  

Here are 5 of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout 2018:


Life doesn’t always work out according to plan...

 ...but it always plays out the way it should. No matter how hard you try to plan your life down to the hour, day, month, or year, sometimes the universe has a different plan for you.  Sometimes you need to get completely thrown off course in order to stumble onto the path that’s best for you. Sometimes your biggest goals need to be absolutely obliterated so you can dream up better ones. Sometimes you need to end friendships and relationships in order to meet new people who will shape your life in ways you never thought possible.  Whatever happens (whether you planned it or not), everything always works out for the best as long as you trust in the process and keep your head held high.  

Be open and vulnerable.

 A couple of months ago, somebody said to me “You want love so badly, but you’re so scorned from your past that you don’t trust anybody.”  Hearing this shook me to my core and had me ugly crying my entire drive home, but once I let the words sink in I realized that what this person said was 100% true. How am I supposed to let love in if I don’t let my guard down? I’ve been working on being more open, vulnerable, and trusting ever since, and I hope doing so will enable me to find both the self-love and the healthy, romantic relationship that I’ve been seeking for so long.  

Honest communication is key.

 I’ve always been a painfully honest person, but this year I learned to open up to others and communicate my deepest wants and needs in all areas of my life, which was nerve-racking but really empowering.  Be honest with yourself and others. Express how you feel, and own it. Say “no” when you want to. Say “yes” when you want to. And hold your ground. Your relationships and self-esteem will flourish. If you don’t stand up for yourself, your values, and what you believe in, no one else will.  

Never settle for mediocre.

 I’ve found that SO MANY PEOPLE (TOO many people) go through life accepting the mediocre -- relationships, jobs, etc.  Fuck that. It’s better to be single than stuck in a relationship with someone you don’t love. It’s better to be struggling financially doing what you love than working a job you absolutely despise.  Ask for more. Actually, DEMAND more.  How the hell do you expect to be happy if you don’t go after what you truly want? Life is what you make of it. You can create the life you’ve always wanted or you can stay stagnant and always dream of what could’ve been. The choice is yours. 

Don’t be afraid to let go.

 Change is inevitable -- you either accept it and move forward or get stuck behind full of worry and frustration. What’s meant for you will stay or come back around in due time.  As scary and intimidating as it may be, letting go of people, things, and ideas that no longer serve your best, highest self clears the space for better people, things, and ideas to come in… and that’s a lot more exciting than clinging onto the past for dear life. I’m heading into 2019 a very different person than I was entering 2018 -- and I’m so excited about it. I’m looking forward to applying these lessons, learning more lessons, and continuing to share my journey with you over the coming year.  Thank you for reading, whether this is a one-time thing or you've consistently read my content. It means more to me than you know.  Cheers to a happy, healthy new year ahead! Happy 2019, everyone. Read Next: 33 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Set And Keep

Thoughtful Wellness Gifts For The Health-Conscious People In Your Life

It’s the holiday season! It’s time to spend the money we don’t have on gifts for people we don’t like.  Just kidding.  For real though, gift giving can be challenging especially when the person you’re giving a gift to is super into health and wellness shit and doesn’t want a toxic-fragranced candle or fur blanket that killed an innocent animal in the process.  

Here are some thoughtful wellness gifts for the healthy people in your life:


Spa Gift Certificate

 What better gift to give than the gift of relaxation? The holiday gods know we all need to chill the hell out once Christmas rolls around. Give your friend a gift certificate to a local spa. There are a ton of places that offer super cheap Groupon deals and are full of amazing amenities, like fresh juice bars, saunas, and infinity pools.  Shout out to SOJO in NYC with 7 floors of saunas, pools, and other healthy stuff (someone send me a gift card so I can detox and relax here in 2019, please and thank you). 

Nail Salon Gift Certificate

 Once again… relaxation. Hook your mom, sister, or best friend up with a trip to the nail salon. All ladies know that a mani-pedi is a treat, and it’s even better when it’s free! If you want to be the best Santa ever, give it to her before the holidays so she can be fresh in time for any parties she’s going to on the holiday itself. Look good, feel good, amirite? 


 No, I don’t mean actually give your friend a massage. A professional massage is the ultimate gift for any person in your life who has been stressing throughout the year. Got a special someone who won’t stop bitching about things lately? They probably have some knots in their shoulders or back that need to be worked out. Get (not give) them a massage.  

Soy/Beeswax Candles

 Everybody loves candles. If you say you don’t like candles, you’re lying. But the rich scented, highly fragranced candles are actually pretty unhealthy to breathe in. Opt for a more health-conscious, eco-friendlier beeswax, soy, or coconut oil candle instead. They smell just as good but won’t slowly kill your loved one.  Good Housekeeping shares a list of healthy candle options here.  

Essential Oil Diffusers

 If you’re known for giving candles to your friends, family members, and coworkers every year and you want to change it up, level up and gift an essential oil diffuser instead. They sell full-package deals online or at any home goods store. If you’d rather personalize it because you know that person loves lavender and clove oil, get them a diffuser and a couple of specific organic essential oils to go along with it.  Here are some of the best essential oil diffusers on the market to choose from according to Allure. 


 Plants and flowers are the absolute best gifts in my opinion. And you can never have too many. I have about 6 in my apartment right now, including a gigantic tree, and they all brighten the room, purify the air, and look really nice. If your friend doesn’t know how to take care of a plant if his or her life depended on it, give that person a succulent (which basically just needs some sunlight/the bare minimum to survive). Otherwise, gift an aloe plant, a bamboo plant, a cactus, a bouquet of flowers, or a single flower — to put in a vase or plant in the garden. 

Sleep Tracker

 Fitbit, Beautyrest, S+, and Beddit are just a few of the sleep trackers available. Some even sync with your Apple Watch. Get your insomniac friend who always texts you at 3AM a sleep tracker so she can figure out wtf is going on with her shitty sleep schedule and stop waking you up with memes every night. 

Personal Massager

 Foam rollers, vibrating wands, and foot massage balls, oh my! Do you have a friend who works out all the time and complains about how broken they are? Fix your friend by getting him or her a personal massager. They’ll thank you later. Here’s a list of the best personal massagers from Best Women's Workouts. 

Fitness Streaming Service

 And I don’t mean Netflix. For under $40, gift your friend a membership to an awesome workout streaming service like CorePower Yoga, Peloton Digital, ALO Moves, or MNDFL Video. If you have a ton of extra cash to spend this holiday season (or you're down to get on a payment plan to help pay for someone's gift), get them an interactive fitness MIRROR for a little over $1,000. I’d be stoked if someone got me any of these things. Just saying... @ all my friends and family members reading this.  Happy holidays! 

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Thoughtful Wellness Gifts For The Health-Conscious People In Your Life

6 Reasons Why I Absolutely Love My Job As A Freelance Writer

I’m a freelance lifestyle and marketing writer, and I love my job for so many reasons.  And to everyone who’s reading this who knows me and never had any idea how I make money or what I do for work, now you know! I worked the 9-5 office grind for three years. I was a server and a bartender at a million different restaurants for seven years. I even partnered up with a friend and started a B2B web development, marketing, and branding company back in 2015.  But as good as the money was, and as fun as some of those jobs were, I never truly felt a sense of fulfillment or accomplishment when the clock struck 5 PM or my shift ended.  And that mattered to me more than the paycheck I was earning at the end of every week. Fast forward to right now, ten years after starting my very first job as a cashier at Toys-R-Us during the holiday season (yep, that happened)... I feel happy, I feel fulfilled, and I truly enjoy what I do for a living. The money I make doing it is just a bonus.  

Here are a few of the reasons why I absolutely love my job as a freelance writer:


The freedom, the independence, and the level of creative expression I have on a daily basis.

 In this position, I am fully in charge -- including all of the progress I make, the level of success that I reach, and the lessons that I learn along the way. I personally create all of the work that I submit to my clients, and I manage the entire process from start to finish.  Being the only one in control of my career is terrifying at times, but that same fear is also incredibly motivating. It’s what pushes me to open my laptop and get shit done every day, even when I’m too exhausted to answer one more email.  Remote freelancing is exactly what enables me to live my life (and work) on my own terms.  I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu four nights a week. I regularly get lunch with friends or my parents. I can make doctors appointments for any time on any day. I set my alarm for 9 AM every morning, and if I happen to stay up until 4 AM for whatever reason, I can sleep a little bit later without an issue because I don’t have any crazy time constraints. I know all of my deadlines and I make sure that I always complete my assignments ahead of time before they’re due. 

I can do my work from anywhere at any time (as long as I have wifi).

 I’ve written articles on flights.  I’ve sent invoices from my phone while visiting friends in other states.  I’ve answered emails while watching early-morning mountain fog roll in.  I’ve brainstormed pitches while driving to doctors appointments.  I’ve taken client calls in the car while road-tripping the east coast with my best friend.  Typically, I work from local coffee shops throughout the week. I also enjoy working from the comfort of my apartment on my couch. Regardless of where I go or what time I do it, the fact of the matter is that I can work from my bed or the seat of an airplane, at 12 PM or 3 AM, which is pretty damn cool and insanely freeing.  

I work alongside fascinating people and connect with really cool brands.

 Perhaps my favorite part of my job is the people I get to work with and the exciting campaigns I’m a part of.  I mainly work alongside entrepreneurs, content managers, and CEOs -- but every company and each point-of-contact is so drastically different than the next.  My job is extremely creative in nature, and I have so much fun brainstorming with and creating quality content for incredible people and brands.  I’ve produced content for gyms, social media influencers, healthcare products, food and drink companies, fashion brands, popular blogs, tech startups, SEO agencies, and digital marketing firms. What I do is help get brand messages out to the public in fun and engaging ways -- through storytelling, informative how-to guides, and other shareable content forms and topics.  

I drive results for these incredible businesses based on my creative work… and that’s super empowering as a 26-year-old woman.

 I’ve written articles that increased sales for mobile and web-based applications by over 300%.  I’ve shined a light on and spread the word about newer businesses with powerful missions by publishing content for them on popular digital publications.  Articles I’ve written have ranked in the first position on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs), helping to maximize brand awareness and visibility.  The content I’ve published has attracted thousands of readers and kept them on the page long enough to decrease bounce rates and improve analytics and overall website authority.  Did I lose you on the marketing jargon? Oops.  I’m extremely proud of the work I create and how it resonates with readers. Even though my friends don’t understand my job, I feel accomplished at the end of the day knowing I’m driving notable results for my clients and helping good people make more money.  But more importantly… 

I create content that literally changes people’s lives.

 I write and share my insights on topics I enjoy and am passionate about, which directly affects and impacts the readers of my content.  I’ve influenced people to lose weight, get out of toxic relationships, save money, change their diet, become happier, and improve their lives. I contribute my content every week to Betches and Hint Water’s The Quench. I also submit articles to BuzzFeed and The GentleManual. And when I find the spare time, I write on my own blog hawk + pearl (where you are right now, hi).  These publications share a combined total audience of over 1,000,000 monthly readers… I repeat OVER 1,000,000 PEOPLE!  That’s wild. I am SO grateful for the opportunity to write for these platforms on a regular basis because of the potentially positive impact I can make on people’s lives through them. And that’s worth more than any monetary value you can place on writing a 500 or 1,000-word article. The last reason why I love my job as a freelance writer? As if you couldn’t already tell... 

I LOVE what I do.

 When I started my blog back in 2016, I never thought I’d be where I am doing what I’m doing now. I just did it to do it and get my thoughts out on (digital) paper rather than flying around my brain with no better place to go.  I’ve always enjoyed writing. I never did it with the intent of making money.  I am beyond blessed to earn an income from my hobby and passion. This is a dream come true for me, and I am so happy to do what I love every day of my life. When the going gets tough, and I feel swamped, and I don’t feel like coming up with another article pitch, I think back to all of the times I worked a job I hated or felt stuck in an office and looked out the window and dreamt of doing what I’m doing now… then I STFU and remember why I do what I do and continue to do it. And that’s because I love it.  My whole point of writing this post is this:  If you have a dream, chase it. Whatever it is. It’s possible, and it’s worth it. I promise. I did it, and I do it, and so can you. Thanks for reading! What’s your dream job? And is it what you’re doing now? If not, how do you plan to change that? Please feel free to comment your thoughts below or write to me privately at morgan@hawkandpearl.com. I’d love to share my insight with you and chat about how you can start pursuing your dream too. 

Cyber Monday 2018: Exclusive Deals From My Affiliate Partners!

Hi, and happy Cyber Monday!  Cyber Monday is the best day for shopping since everything is discounted and you don’t even have to leave your house to buy anything.  If you like Black Friday better, you’re wrong. I personally don’t like it because 1) anxiety, 2) too many people are out shopping, 3) I don’t want to battle anyone for a deal, 4) I don’t want to get trampled by a stampede of crazy people, and 5) lazy.  Anyway, I’m an affiliate for some really great brands and I want to share their Cyber Monday deals with you so you can treat yourself to something nice or buy your friend/family member an early Christmas gift. Heads up: I’ll earn a commission if you purchase any products using the links within this post. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT THE AMOUNT YOU PAY IN ANY WAY. By using these links, you’re actually paying less than retail price. I’m literally just sharing awesome deals from my partnerships with these awesome brands so you can spend less and get more and I can earn a little bit of $$ for promoting their sales. It’s a win-win for both of us. :) 


 Onnit Black Friday Cyber Monday Sales 2018 I’m a big fan of using Alpha Brain because it helps me focus and train better in BJJ, especially with Lyme brain and body, so if you haven’t tried it yet you definitely should.  There are SO MANY Onnit deals to share right now. Here’s the rundown: 

  1. Get a FREE bottle of Alpha Brain when you buy a 2-pack of Alpha Brain 90 count - CLICK HERE


  1. Get 30% off Total Gut Health - CLICK HERE


  1. Get FREE GIFTS with a minimum purchase:
  • Spend $100, get a $10 coupon for a future purpose
  • Spend $150, get free shipping + the $10 coupon
  • Spend $200, get a free personal care kit (MCT Oil Toothpaste, Lip Food, Castille Body Wash) + all of the above
  • Spend $500, get a Division Dopp Kit + all of the above

 This is on top of all of the other awesome savings (sale ends 11/29 at midnight):

  • Over 60% off Doorbusters
  • Over 30% off Apparel
  • 25% off Star Wars
  • 20% off Foods
  • 25% off Supplements
  • 18% off Fitness

 Last but not least, as if these deals aren’t great enough, Onnit will match every dollar donated with purchase to fight testicular cancer.  CLICK HERE to shop Onnit's products now! 


You already know I love food. HelloFresh is a meal delivery service that offers healthy meals with good ingredients straight to your door. You can cook their meals within 30 minutes -- and they give detailed instructions so you're not a lost puppy in the process.  CLICK HERE to get $60 OFF your purchase of 3 meals ($20 off each meal).  


 Madera Outdoor Black Friday Cyber Monday Sales 2018 Madera Outdoor is an outdoor company that sells hammocks and a ton of other camping gear. Although their camping equipment is cool, what’s even better is that they plant two trees per every hammock sold. Their brand hashtag is #CampLikeYouGiveADamn. Soooo…. buy a lot of hammocks and help the Earth, please. Here are just a few of the deals they’re offering today: 

  • 60% off hammocks
  • 60-75% off hammock accessories
  • 55% off sleeping bags
  • 72% off sleeping pads
  • 50% off headlamps
  • 45% off knives

 They’re also offering bundle deals and FREE GIFTS, like knives, pillows, and more. Go to their Cyber Monday deals link on the black bar at the top of the page to check out all of their special pricing today. Shop Madera Outdoor's Cyber Monday sales now! get FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $50+.  Oh, and you can spin a wheel to get a free hat, hammock, or even better discount too.  Thanks for reading, and happy shopping! Let me know in the comments below if you used any of these links and bought yourself (or a friend) something new this Cyber Monday.

Meditation 101: How To Meditate, Health Benefits & Tips For Beginners

Meditation, mindfulness, and self-care are three of the most important topics that we don’t talk about nearly enough, especially with all of the craziness of what’s going on in the world today. I always knew the importance of meditation and how it could change your life, but as someone with anxiety, I’ve always had such a hard time turning off my brain for just a few minutes to chill out, zone out, and concentrate on nothing but my breath.  I’m here to tell you that meditation is possible and NECESSARY, even — and especially!— when you’re anxious, overloaded with work, or simply in need of a mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical break.  If you’ve never tried to meditate before or you don’t really understand what the big deal is all about, allow me to shine some light on the topic according to what I know and have experienced for myself. 

Here are some of the amazing benefits of meditating, how you can get started, meditation tips, and more:

 Meditation 101- How To Meditate, Health Benefits & Tips For Beginners 

Benefits Of Meditation

 Before we dive into how to meditate, I want to focus a little bit on why you should meditate. There are tons of really awesome reasons to start meditating. Here are just a few of the mental, emotional, and physical benefits:  You’ll feel happier, optimistic, and more at peace. It’s crazy how much better you’ll feel once you continually set the time aside to focus on your wellbeing. You’ll gain a more positive outlook and start to see the brighter side of things more often than the negative. Meditation has a funny way of teaching you to stop looking for healing in the outside world, other people, and external factors. Happiness and peace are already within yourself — you just have to take the time to find them.  It helps to clear your mind and relieve stress. Have you been stressed lately? Would you like to put all of those stressors on the back-burner and find some peace and relaxation for a little while? Me too! You’ll find it becomes easier to stay calm and throw irrelevant stress to the sidelines when you begin to regularly practice meditation. It’ll stop those feelings of stress from overwhelming you and enable you to cope with it in a much healthier way. You’ll avoid burning out.  When you’ve been working way too hard at the office or you’re bombarded with responsibilities outside of it, it’s easy to push yourself a little too far to the point that you eventually experience a burnout. To avoid burning out and losing your mind, meditation can help to regain your sanity, keep your cool, and keep you going at a steady pace, even when the world feels like it’s spinning at 500 mph. It will spark your creativity.  When you clear and open your mind, you will ultimately gain new perspectives and discover new ways of looking at the world. This is huge for lifting that block and increasing your level of personal creativity. After meditating, I feel so clear-minded that I can write and create again… which is an AMAZING feeling when I struggle with writer’s block. The same will happen for you too, no matter if you enjoy playing the guitar, songwriting, or playing sports.  Meditation 101: How To Meditate, Health Benefits & Tips For Beginners 

Basic Steps On How To Meditate

 There are so many different ways to meditate. Whether you’re hanging out on a bench by the water, laying in your bed, or sitting on your couch, all you need is a few minutes and a willingness to commit to the meditation process.  Find a comfortable place. First things first, you should find a place where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and undistracted. It can be anywhere at all — your living room, at the beach, or on top of a mountain. Some people prefer to meditate outside whereas others enjoy the peace of their own home. To each their own. Find where and what works for you. Clear your mind by focusing on your breath. The next step involves clearing your mind, which can actually be pretty challenging if you have a hard time turning off your brain and just relaxing like me. The goal is to quiet your mind and banish all thoughts (or at least acknowledge and then let them go) to achieve as calm of a mind as possible. To do this, it is best recommended to concentrate on your breath. Focus on the feeling of your breath as you inhale and exhale — feel your stomach and chest elevate and deflate as you breathe in and out. Continue to do so until you achieve that level of clear-mindedness, then keep going.  When your mind wanders, bring it back. During the meditation process, try to remember the importance of refocusing and bringing your mind back to a state of calm whenever it wanders. It’s not uncommon for your mind to wander and think of anything and everything other than the present moment. You just have to learn to reset the brain and bring yourself back to a state of balance. For more in-depth steps, check out this cool 12-step guide on how to meditate (for people who don’t meditate) by Mind Body Green.  Meditation 101- How To Meditate, Health Benefits & Tips For Beginners 

Other Meditation Tips

 Create a meditation routine and stick with it. Set aside a few minutes at some point throughout the day to meditate, and make a habit of it. It can be any time, whether it’s when you first wake up in the morning before you get out of bed, after you eat your breakfast, in your car in the parking lot of your job, or once you lay down in bed at the end of the night. It can be for three minutes, five minutes, or ten minutes. Whatever, however, and whenever you do it, just do it!  Zen out your room or dedicated meditation space. Pick a specific spot in your house or apartment to meditate. Zen it out with candles (there are some delicious smelling chakra-opening candles at Whole Foods) or incense, string lights, plants, crystals, and calming colors. Rid the room of any distractions, technology, or electronics. Create a calm space for you to go to completely unwind and prepare for a deep meditative experience. Use accessories to help you. There are helpful accessories available and generally used during the meditation process. For example, many people use authentic mala beads because it gives them something to focus their hands on and count mantras during meditation. Although that’s not necessary in the beginning phase, it’s something to consider when you advance to the next level of meditation. Try guided meditation or self-care apps. I recently wrote this article for Betches which covers a bunch of meditation and self-care apps you can use to get some zen back into your life. They all offer different features, like sleep aids, guided meditation, and master classes. If you have a smartphone and need help chilling out, check out some of the mobile apps I mentioned there like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer.  Meditation can (and will) 100% change your life by inspiring and moving you to become more relaxed and balanced each day. Now that you know some of the meditation benefits, how to meditate, and why you should start, all that’s left for you to do is start. Thanks for reading! Do you meditate? How, when, and where do you do it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 

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Meditation 101 - How To Meditate, Health Benefits, & Tips For Beginners


Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The Month

Whether you're raising a family, a single parent with young children, or living on your own without kids, you might be wondering how you can pocket some extra cash at the end of every month. Think of all of the places you can go or things you can buy and treat yourself with even $100 more in your wallet each month. With old debt lingering around and new bills piling up, how is it possible for you increase the amount of money that you save without making any drastic changes like switching jobs? 

Here are 6 simple tips for saving more cash at the end of every month:


1. Only buy what's on your grocery list when you go food shopping.

Only buy what's on your grocery list when you go food shopping - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthHow often do you go to the grocery store and wind up buying way more things than you originally intended to get? You might have walked in just to buy ingredients for tonight’s dinner but then you walked out with milk, ice cream, chips, avocados, and some cookies that looked good. Or maybe you bought far too many fruits and vegetables, thinking you or the kids or your roommates were going to eat them within the next couple of days, but then most of them went to waste. Create a set grocery list before heading to the store to prevent yourself from spending any more money than you want or need to. You can do this by either creating a handwritten list, using the Notes app on your smartphone, or downloading an organization/list maker app like Evernote. Only add the things you absolutely need for the next day or two so you do not go overboard and buy too much stuff that no one will wind up drinking or eating. Also remember to NEVER go grocery shopping when you're hungry. 

2. Eliminate any unnecessary monthly payments.

Eliminate any unnecessary monthly payments - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthDo you currently subscribe to Netflix? How often do you actually have the time to sit down on the couch and watch a show or movie after work or on the weekends? If you consistently pay that $10 bill every month but haven't had the chance to relax and watch your favorite show series in four months, then it may be time to consider canceling your subscription until further notice. All of those unnecessary little monthly bills add up, and if you haven't utilized a certain service in a few months, then it's definitely time for you to stop throwing your money away and finally pull the plug. You can always re-subscribe later on if you find the need to start using it again. 

3. Lower your current monthly bills.

Lower your current monthly bills - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthIf you have all of your bill preferences set to auto-pay, then you might have forgotten just how much you're actually spending every month on your bills. If that's the case, then it's time to review your regular payments. Analyze each of your bills and give customer service a call to see if you can receive a discount for being a longstanding member, a good customer, or an employee/affiliate of a company. Is your car insurance bill too expensive? Compare car insurance companies to find a different one that charges anywhere from $20 to $80 less per month. Do you have a 6GB data plan but have 3GB of unused data left on your phone bill every month? Cut down to a lower data plan and gain back $10 or $20 in your pocket. Every little bit of money saved counts. Since you're already automatically paying your bills each month, you might as well try to save money while you’re at it. 

4. Buy gas from a cheaper station.

Buy gas from a cheaper station - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthDriving a few streets over in order to save 10 cents per gallon on gas doesn't sound like a worthwhile investment when you live five minutes closer to a gas station with a slightly higher price. However, depending on how big the gas tank is in your car or truck and how many gallons it requires to fill up, going that extra mile down the road each time you need gas could save you a few extra bucks each week. If you have a spare minute or two, do the research before you leave the house by installing an app to your phone like GasBuddy that will show you the nearest gas stations with the cheapest prices. 

5. Stop going out to eat and hitting the bars as often.

Stop going out to eat and hitting the bars as often - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthWe all have rough days at work when we want to go grab a beer after the shift ends. We also feel that need to go out on a Friday or Saturday night after a long week. Try to cut back on going out as often to keep spending habits a little lower. Instead of hitting a food truck or buying lunch at work every day, bring a homemade lunch instead. Rather than going out with the guys to watch the football game, drink beers, and eat wings on Sunday, invite them over to your place. 

6. Find an easy weekly/monthly side gig.

Find an easy weekly or monthly side gig - Simple Tips For Pocketing More Cash At The End Of The MonthDo you have a skill that could be used to bring in some extra cash? Maybe you enjoy woodworking, fixing computers, or restoring old cars. If you have a hobby that you take part in in your spare time, consider how you can turn it into an opportunity to make some money. There are many ways to pocket more cash at the end of every month. Sticking to a grocery list, canceling all unnecessary service subscriptions, lowering monthly payments, buying cheaper gas, going out less often, and taking up a side job are all great ways to accomplish this. Ultimately, if you are willing to compromise some time and effort in exchange for a little bit of financial freedom, then you will have anywhere from a couple of bucks to hundreds of dollars back in your bank account every month to save or spend however you would like. Thanks for reading. Did I leave out any easy ways to save some extra cash at the end of the month? Let me know in the comments below! 

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Simple Tips For Saving More Cash At The End Of Every Month

The Ultimate Guide On How To Plan A Road Trip On A Budget

If you’re reading this, then you want to learn how to successfully plan a road trip. How do you start? Where should you go? What do you need to know? How should you pack? How much will it all cost? Is it even possible or are road trips just a dream? Look no further! After successfully planning and going on a 16-day road trip along the east coast with my best friend in just TWO DAYS (yes, we came up with the idea at the beach one day then planned it all within 48 hours!), I wanted to create this post on how to plan a road trip in the cheapest way possible without compromising on the quality of hotels, gas, food, and your overall experience.  [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vwDyHehNSU&list=PLKIFdJAmFJqhNAKu0vFTkrHtSB_juJhFC[/embed] Want to discover the best websites to book cheap hotels, suitcase and car packing tips, how to find coupons and discounts, helpful apps to use while on the road, and ways to spend less money on food, gas, and fun things to do?  

Here’s my ultimate guide on how to plan a road trip on a budget:

 First things first, where are you going? How To Plan Your Road Trip Destinations & Pit Stops l hawk + pearl Depending on the amount of time you have to travel, you can plan your destinations accordingly.  Do your research! Pick a few spots along a reasonable path that are close in distance yet far enough apart so you can make pit stops, enjoy lengthy highway cruises, and cover a lot of ground in your set amount of time. Use Google Maps to figure out the best travel times, the fastest routes, and how much tolls will cost along the way.  Once you figure out where you’re going, then you can determine where you’re staying. Let’s cover how to book the cheapest places to stay. Here are the websites and apps I used to scout out the least expensive hotels and room rentals that were also safe, legit, and clean. 

  • Airbnb: There are some super cool Airbnb spots with all of the necessary amenities in convenient locations. Our favorite rental was a cute little cottage house in Savannah, Georgia -- all thanks to Airbnb (use my link for $40 off your first stay)! Beware though, certain rentals can actually turn out to be pretty expensive with all of the host, cleaning, and service fees added in, so browse around to make sure you’re getting the best deal.


  • Hotels.com: When we craved peace of mind and better security in unknown locations, we chose to stay in an actual hotel. We booked through this website and scored amazing room deals in Myrtle Beach and Washington DC for a much more affordable price than an Airbnb.


  • RetailMeNot: RetailMeNot was an amazing resource for hotel coupon and discount codes. Thanks to this website, I scored us an ocean view double queen bed suite with a balcony in Myrtle Beach for the exact same price as a single queen bed without a balcony.

  GENERAL BOOKING TIP: Tourist locations are more expensive than others for obvious reasons. Book a room in a town over or a 10-minute drive away from your main city of choice to knock up to ~$100 bucks off your rate.  For 15 nights in 6 states for 2 people, our lodging costs summed up to a grand total of $2,359, which amounted to $1,179 per person… which came out to roughly $78 per night per person. Granted, we stayed in some boujee locations that were totally unnecessary but we tried to be as cheap as possible whenever possible elsewhere to make up for it.  NOTE: If you’re only going to one or two spots and not spending more than two weeks on the road like us, then your price will obviously be a LOT cheaper.  Helpful Apps & Things To Use While On A Road Trip l hawk + pearl 

Helpful Apps & Things To Use While On The Road


  • GasBuddy: If you’re a thrifty bitch like me, you’d rather drive 10 minutes out of the way to save $0.10 on each gallon of gas. When you’re not in your home territory, and you’re traveling on highly trafficked highways, it helps to know where the good gas stations are. Rely on an app like GasBuddy to locate the cheapest nearby local gas stations.


  • Apple Maps: Apple Maps is the MVP GPS (sorry, Google Maps). If you have an iPhone, use the Maps app and you won’t be disappointed… but ALWAYS double check all of the directions on your route. I learned the hard way that it’s not 100% accurate 100% of the time and cost us an hour’s time by driving in the opposite direction and ultimately ending up at a dead-end ferry stop in Maryland. Oops.


  • E-ZPass: If you don’t have an E-ZPass, GET ONE! Even if it doesn’t come in time, your license plate will be readable and tolls will still go through to your account. Breezing through the E-ZPass lane saves so much driving time and money on tolls.


  • Toll Calculator: There are many sites available to see how much tolls will cost along your trip according to specific routes. I used TollGuru because it’s linked with Google Maps so you get both travel times and toll costs. We drove over 2,000 miles throughout six states and only spent $75 in tolls!


  • Yelp: When we were trying to figure out where to go and what to do, we depended heavily on Yelp reviews. ESPECIALLY when it came to where to eat, we wanted to choose restaurants that would be worth the money. Yelp came in handy for this, and we visited some really unique eateries as a result.


  • Pinterest: Pinterest was a huge resource for finding fun things to do in random places, like delicious restaurants, unconventional food trucks, little-known pit stop locations, and necessary tourist attractions.


  • Uber: When we planned on drinking and didn’t want to drive in Ocean City, MD, we Ubered to and from the bars. When we walked way too far and our feet were killing us in DC, we Ubered back to our room. When we didn’t want to add any more mileage onto the car or waste any gas or worry about parking, we Ubered. Uber rules. (Use my code morganm3963ue!)

 What To Pack In Your Suitcase For A Road Trip l hawk + pearl 

What To Pack (Suitcase)

 Wondering what you need to pack in your suitcase for your road trip? 

Here are just a few of the basics and necessary things to pack for a road trip:

  • Clothes
  • Pajamas
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Jewelry
  • Perfume
  • Makeup & remover
  • Shower essentials
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Camera
  • Chargers
  • Sunscreen
  • Food & drink
  • Bathing suits
  • Sunglasses
  • Shoes
  • Jacket
  • $$$

 If you want a lengthier post outlining literally everything I packed, I’ll create it and link to it here once I do. Let me know!  

Little things you didn’t know you needed to pack for your road trip:

  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Garbage bags
  • Ziploc bags
  • Small pocketbook/backpack
  • Steamer
  • Gallon water jugs
  • Teas and coffee
  • Cooking sprays, spices, and seasonings: We brought/bought groceries and cooked a lot of our meals to save money.
  • PBA cards: I got pulled over for speeding and thankfully had a relative’s card on me so we were let go free of any tickets. You never know when or if you might need it.


What we wish we had or packed more of but didn’t bring along:

  • Extra razor/blades: Mine broke on the second day of our trip when I knocked it off the bathtub onto the floor.
  • Extra camera battery
  • Tweezers
  • More snacks
  • More pajamas and sweats
  • More socks
  • More underwear
  • More casual clothes: Once we hit the halfway point of our trip in Washington DC, we had absolutely nothing casual left to wear. Having clean, comfy clothes to walk around in is so important. We were so focused on having cute outfits to go out in that we didn’t plan for the majority of our time NOT partying.

 How To Pack Your Car On A Road Trip l hawk + pearl 

How To Pack (The Car)

 We packed out Mel’s car according to a very specific system. We literally had it down to a science. Bellhops tried to load and unload the car for us on several occasions, and we always passed on the opportunity so we could just do it ourselves. Yeah, we’re stubborn and crazy. Suitcases, boxes, and carry on bags all went in the trunk (heavy suitcases were on the bottom, then carry on bags, then smaller boxes at the very top). Snack bags, pillows, blankets, and bags were in the back seat in case they needed them. Beach chairs fit perfectly between the back and front seats. We kept cameras, phones, pocketbooks, sweatshirts, and drinks (water bottles) in the front with us for easy accessibility. Depending on the amount of room you have in the car or truck you’re taking, you’ll have to play around to see which packing strategy works best for you.  General Road Trip Survival Tips l hawk + pearl 

General Road Trip Survival Tips


  • Take photos and videos: I brought along my Canon G7X to document the entire trip. Oh, and make sure your camera and phone are charged.


  • Live in the moment: Document your trip, but don’t forget to stop, put the phone away, be present, and live it up while it lasts.


  • Be open-minded: Try new things. Explore new places. Talk to strangers.


  • Don’t be so overly concerned with money: Money can be replaced. Time can’t. You’re on vacation. Don’t be afraid to spend a little bit of money if it means making amazing memories.


  • Use a cash back rewards credit card for all purchases: Save -- or make -- a little bit of money by using a cash back rewards card for your entire trip. Even if you get 5% back from $1,000 worth of spending, you’ll gain $50 back at the end of your statement.


  • Share your location(s) with loved ones: Before you leave, send a quick text to someone you trust back home with the addresses and whereabouts of where you’ll be staying. Also, share your license plate number and the phone number(s) of who you’re traveling with just in case of an emergency.


  • Pay attention to the GPS: Kind of a no-brainer, but just a friendly reminder.


  • Drive during the morning/day: Get a good night’s sleep, eat a nice breakfast, then head out. Don’t drive on an empty stomach or for way too long. Stay alert, awake, and aware when driving. If you feel yourself losing concentration, switch and play passenger.  


 I hope this guide helps you successfully prepare for, plan out, and execute your dream road trip! Remember to be grateful for the opportunity to travel, explore the world around you, and enjoy every moment while you’re on the road.  Also don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch my travel videos, like this vlog from Washington DC below: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7DJIJb8Rxw&t=1s[/embed] Have you ever been on a road trip? Do you have any tips or tricks to share? Did I forget or miss anything? Let me know in the comments below! 

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Guide To Charleston & Myrtle Beach, South Carolina [VIDEO]

After staying in Savannah, GA for four days, Mel and I started our trek back up along the east coast. On our way to Myrtle Beach (our second destination of the trip), we decided to break up our 4-hour drive by making a pitstop in Charleston for some lunch and afternoon exploring.  Just like I did for Savannah (which you can read by clicking HERE), I figured I’d create a similar list of what to do, what to see, where to eat, and where to stay in Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina. So, without further ado, here it is: 



Charleston, South Carolina


Food & Drink

 Lunch at Butcher & Bee restaurant in Charleston, South CarolinaButcher & Bee: I ordered the brown rice bowl which was weird but really good. At the end of the meal, our server brought over our (split) checks which were stuck in between the pages of (two) books. Mel’s book title was “Wildflowers” and mine was “Nuns Having Fun” -- both perfectly relevant.Cute books at Butcher & Bee restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina 

Tourist Spots & Sights

 King Street: King Street is one of the most famous streets in the US. It’s known for its high-end shopping, gorgeous sidewalks, and revitalized architecture.Charleston City Market Shopping in Charleston, South CarolinaCharleston City Market: a long sheltered strip of mom-and-pop stands/kiosks full of jewelry, paintings, hats, trinkets, caricatures, and every other thing you can think of available to browse.

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Rainbow Row: THE CUTEST ROW OF PASTEL COLORED BUILDINGS THAT YOU NEED TO TAKE A PHOTO OF AND PUT ON YOUR INSTAGRAMPineapple Fountain in Charleston, South CarolinaPineapple Fountain: based in a waterfront park with the Savannah Bridge in the background, the actual pineapple fountain itself was cool but little kids were swimming in it which was kind of gross.United States Custom House building in Charleston, South CarolinaUnited States Custom House: beautifully architected and dating back almost 200 years ago, this building has been added to the list of the National Register of Historic Places.  

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina



We originally wanted to stay in an Airbnb but all of the locations were super far from the boardwalk, so we ended up staying at the Holiday Inn at the Pavilion… which is directly located on the boardwalk. Holiday Inn at the Pavilion in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Our room was nice with comfy beds and its own balcony overlooking the boardwalk, water, and pier. The hotel itself was overrun with children, flooded with pool water on the bottom of the elevator floors, and had fruity alcoholic drinks at the bar, but it did the job.  For a three-night stay in a double queen-bed efficiency suite with a balcony and kitchen, the price came out to $652, which was well worth the money.  



Food & Drink

 Drinking fishbowls at Moe Moonz in Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaMoe Moonz: we went to the first place on the boardwalk serving fish bowls, and that place happened to be Moe Moonz. Two fish bowls cost us $100 and they didn’t get us drunk, but the pretzels and the chips with salsa and cheese were delicious. Carolina Ale House: not entirely sure if this place is affiliated with Miller’s Ale House? I tend to shy away from corporate restaurants but I highly recommend the blackened salmon caesar salad. Pina coladas at Pier 41 in Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaPier 41: best pina coladas in the area with a cool bartender who I was able to bond with over MMA and BJJ because I called him out on his slight cauliflower ears.Fish tacos at Riptydz in Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaRiptydz: great, strong margaritas with delicious french fries, Mahi tacos, and a super cool rooftop area. On our first night, we sat on a bench in front of Riptydz and spilled our hearts to each other (yet again) while watching the beautiful blood moon light up the sky.Key lime margaritas at Good Time Charley's in Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaGood Time Charley's: I do not recommend the food but the key lime margaritas were soooo good. 

Shops & Stores

 Pick A Pearl: if you didn’t already know by the name of my website, I love pearls, so when we saw this shop at Broadway at the Beach we had to check it out. There was a huge tub full of oyster shells, each with a guaranteed special colored pearl inside. We each picked a shell and mine just so happened to be a lucky one with two peach colored shells (which represent good health -- woo!). I turned them into necklaces and kept one for myself and gave one to my mom.  

Tourist Spots & Sights

 Myrtle Beach Boardwalk: we didn’t walk the whole thing but the boardwalk was definitely fun to explore.Myrtle Beach SkyWheel lit up rainbow at night in South CarolinaMyrtle Beach SkyWheel: the SkyWheel was right next to our hotel so we were able to see it all lit up rainbow from outside our door. Broadway at the Beach: recommended to us by basically everyone, Broadway at the Beach is a huge outdoor shopping mall with restaurants, attractions, and shops. This is where we got our pearl necklaces, pina colada margaritas, and visited the aquarium.Jellyfish at Ripley's Aquarium of Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaRipley’s Aquarium of Myrtle Beach: way smaller than we expected, overcrowded, and overpriced at $30/ticket, but looking at sharks, sea turtles, jellyfish, and eels was a fun way to pass the time in the rain. 


Charleston is such an adorable little town with so many historic sights to see. Strolling down King Street and E Bay Street was fun to see all of the beautiful architecture, palm trees, and Rainbow Row. We also loved the cobblestone roads and cute homes that lined the way before hitting the waterfront park area. Unfortunately, Myrtle Beach was our least favorite out of all of the places we stayed during our trip. We were so excited to leave Savannah and get to Myrtle so we could enjoy sunshine and beach weather, but we arrived to nothing but clouds, thunderstorms, and drinks that even didn’t get us drunk. Standing under the pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina On a more positive note, one of my favorite experiences from our entire trip happened during our stay in Myrtle: We moon-bathed in the ocean during the blood moon. After a two hour long heart-to-heart on the bench in front of RipTydz, we went back up to the room, changed into comfy clothes, left our phones to charge, and headed back down to the beach. Despite our deep fears of the open water, especially at nighttime, we found ourselves pulled into the ocean. We stood there in the rain in silence, closed our eyes, and soaked in the light of the blood moon as waves smashed our legs and the SkyWheel illuminated a rainbow sky behind us. I have no other words to describe this experience other than spiritual, magical, and refreshing. Blood Moon over the pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina As the locals had told us multiple times, Myrtle Beach is basically a heaven for lushes because “the only thing to do [there] is drink.” If you enjoy drinking all day and all night, definitely take the trip. Otherwise, Ocean City, MD and Atlantic City, NJ are way better options with better drinks and food and a lot more to do.  Thanks for reading! Have you ever visited Charleston or Myrtle Beach? Let me know your experiences there in the comments below or on my YouTube video (listed above). 

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Guide To Charleston & Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - Where To Stay, Where To Go, What To Eat, Drink, See, And Do

12 Everyday Habits That Will Improve Your Quality Of Life

The things we do and the thoughts that pass through our mind every day have the power to directly influence the quality of our lives. By getting into the swing of regularly living a certain way and practicing specific behaviors, you can change your mood, mindset, and overall well-being. I wrote a post titled 3 Positive Habits That Will Change Your Life back in February 2017, but I want to elaborate and share more habits I’ve picked up since that time.  So what are some things you can do to improve the quality of your life? 

Here are 12 everyday habits that will help you to live better, happier, and healthier:


1. Set and follow a strict sleep schedule.

Set and follow a strict sleep schedule - Habits That Will Definitely Improve Your Quality Of LifeIf you can find a way to follow a strict sleep schedule or sleep for a set number of hours every night, including weekends, you’ll wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. I enjoy going to bed late and waking up early so I’m still struggling with this one, but sleeping at least 7 hours/night or setting my alarm for no later than 9AM every day (even if I don’t have anything to do the next day) helps to keep me in line.  

2. Exercise at some point throughout the day.

Some studies suggest that it’s beneficial to exercise in the morning to jumpstart your day and feel more energetic, but that’s not always possible when you work a full-time job or have a weird schedule. I personally prefer to work out at night. I train Brazilian jiu-jitsu three nights/week and ride my bike, go for a walk, or stretch on the other four days.  No matter what you do or what time works for you, try to get active and move at some point throughout the day, especially if you sit at a desk for 8 hours. Even if you go for a short walk or do some yoga poses, you’ll notice a difference in how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.  

3. Drink more (clean, alkaline) water.

Drink more clean, alkaline water - Habits That Will Definitely Improve Your Quality Of LifeI never knew the importance of drinking 64 oz of water a day until I met Brooke, one of my best friends who works at Phountain. Drinking alkaline water helps to neutralize the acidity in your body’s PH, and drinking enough water throughout the day hydrates your skin, improves your circulation, curbs your appetite, AND kicks cravings to the curb. I could go on and on. Just drink more water. 

4. Keep up with your health and appointments.

Whether you notice any changes or not, it’s essential to keep up with your health and doctor visits. Need to schedule that appointment? Stop putting it off. Feeling well? Still go to your yearly physical. Notice a loss in your hearing? Talk to a specialist and learn more about hearing aid options (*cough* dad *cough*).  The longer you leave a health issue unchecked or untreated, the worse it can get and the worse you’ll feel as a result. Your health is what keeps you going. Maintain it and don’t let things slip on by.  

5. Count your blessings and practice gratitude.

Count your blessings and practice gratitude - Habits That Will Definitely Improve Your Quality Of LifeGratitude is a practice that will absolutely 100% impact and improve the quality of your everyday life. Counting your blessings inspires you to take note of the good in your life, rather than constantly dwelling on or talking about the bad like most people do. Positivity attracts more positivity, just as negativity attracts more negativity.  Get into the habit of acknowledging and being grateful for the things you may be taking for granted. A simple “thank you” when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed is a great start. I promise you that this slight change in your perspective will make a noticeable difference. 

6. Make your bed every morning.

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6OoCaGsz94[/embed]According to NAVY Seal Admiral William H. McRaven, “if you make your bed in the morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task, and another, and another.” Plus, after a long day and at the end of the night, it feels so nice to get home, shower, and crawl into a nicely made bed.  

7. Set time aside to do something that you love every day.

Set a little time aside each day to do something you love. Whether you enjoy painting, reading, running, or watching a series on Netflix, find a way to incorporate it into your daily routine. It’ll boost your mood, promote productivity, reduce stress, and make you smile, even if only for a little while.  

8. Stop gossiping and judging others.

Gossiping and judging others are two toxic behaviors that don’t benefit anybody involved -- plus it makes you look bad. What you judge people for tends to be what you’re self-conscious about doing yourself. Pay attention to the negative traits you notice in others and think about whether you’re actually guilty of or insecure about that thing instead.  Also avoid getting into negative conversations with people. If/when they pop up, make an effort to change the subject or react neutrally. Don’t feed into the toxicity. No one trusts or likes befriending a gossipy, judgmental bitch... not even the one gossiping him/herself. ;)  

9. See the people you love as often as possible.

Make more of an effort to see the people you love on a regular basis. Try to arrange lunch/dinner dates, coffee breaks, or drives around town or down to the water. Stay close to the people that matter. Tell them that they matter to you. Spending time with the ones you love is way more uplifting than shooting them a text or call.  

10. Eat healthy whole meals.

[embed]https://youtu.be/hVep5u-rGYg[/embed]It’s easy to substitute real meals for snacks during busy days. But if you’re like me, not getting the proper nutrition eventually leads to binging and eating unhealthy foods like dark chocolate peanut butter cups or veggie chips.  Eating right makes you feel good and helps you think clearly. Try your best to eat healthy, whole meals throughout the day, even if that means taking the time to prep your breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the beginning of the week.  Related Post: How To Make Healthy Fried Rice (Recipe With Video) 

11. Start journaling or writing.

Writing is my favorite creative and therapeutic outlet (clearly, since you’re on my blog right now). I understand that everyone isn’t a writer, but something as simple as jotting down thoughts or journaling what you do throughout the day can help to relieve stress and vent in a personal safe space (especially if you want to gossip or judge someone… and if you do, refer back to #7).  

12. Get outside every day.

Get outside every day - Habits That Will Definitely Improve Your Quality Of LifeMake the effort to step outside every day for fresh air, sunshine, and Vitamin D. This Business Insider article lists many of the reasons why going outside is great for your health, including improved short-term memory, restored mental energy, better vision, and even possible anti-cancer effects. If the sun isn’t shining, consider investing in a SAD lamp to make sure you’re getting the number of lumens that will lift your mood and bring you those important benefits of being outside.  I hope you’ll try or pick up one or more of these 12 habits that will improve your quality of life. If they can work for me, I bet they’ll work for you too. :) Thanks for reading! If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comments below.  

4 Effective Ways To Help Tackle Stress & Anxiety

When you’re struggling with health issues, relationship troubles, or a heavy workload, it’s easy to feel overloaded, stressed, and anxious. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I understand those feelings all too well. Even the slightest mishap or change in routine can set me off into a panic attack.  Thankfully my anxiety comes and goes so regularly that I’ve learned to adjust in a way that it doesn’t affect me too negatively on a daily basis. However, others who constantly feel under pressure can experience more severe anxiety disorders, depression, and even self-harming thoughts. Although stress is a regular, natural response to what’s going on in your environment, chronic stress has the power to greatly affect your mood and mental health in the long term.  

Here are four effective ways to help tackle stress and anxiety so it doesn’t consume you:


Acknowledge and break the habit.

Acknowledge and break the habitStress is a habit which brings about a set of automatic behavioral patterns. For some people like myself, that means biting and picking at your nails (or picking off all of your nail polish after you just painted them) whereas others get nasty, get drunk, or eat a whole sleeve of Oreos.  When you feel that initial sense of overwhelm, it’s important that you act accordingly to make sure that it doesn’t spiral into something more. Whatever your coping mechanism is, you should be able to recognize it -- and when you do, you need to break the pattern that typically happens as a result.  Handle your stress response in a healthier way. Listening to music, exercising, sitting by the water, thinking positive thoughts, and journaling are all good ways to cope with stress overload to clear your head (even if only for a little while) before jumping back in to tackle the issue at hand.  

Find someone to talk to.

Find someone to talk toA common mistake is to refuse to talk about your situation… and bottling up your emotions often leads to an eventual explosion over the smallest thing. When life becomes too difficult or emotionally loaded, it’s okay to accept and admit that you need help. Defusing stress doesn’t happen overnight but it’s something that can be done over a period of time through expressing your emotions.  If you don’t want to talk to your friends about your problems because you’re afraid of burdening them, trust a therapist to help you out. ThriveTalk offers digital exchanges with professionals through chats, videos, and phone calls to seek support and stop yourself from spiraling into depression, suicidal intentions, or toxic behaviors. Sometimes a therapy that fits your lifestyle and your unique needs is all it takes to place the control back into your own hands.  

Spend time with loved ones.

Spend time with loved onesAnother extremely common reaction to anxiety and depression is isolation. Depression naturally encourages you to step back and away from any external stressors. You stop answering texts and fall back from your friends and family until you find yourself alone and isolated with your negative thoughts.  Yes, it’s important to take time for yourself to recoup, but being with friends, family, and loved ones has the ability to cheer you up and calm you down. Who knows? Even a simple phone call with a friend or parent can change your perspective and snap you out of whatever mood you’re in. After all, that’s what your support team is for -- finding emotional and intellectual support from them, and being there for them when they need you too.

Take care of yourself.

Take care of yourselfIt’s okay to step back from everything for a bit to heal.  Do things that always bring you joy. Take a bath. Cook your favorite dinner. Pursue your hobbies. Eat right. Drink more water. Meditate. Cuddle your dog. Get a massage. Do whatever it takes to snap you out of that negative mindset and spring you back into the positive, normal you that you were before stress took over. Related Post: 25 Natural Stress Therapies That Don't Require Medication Anxiety and depression are no joke. Stress is normal but can be evil and overwhelming when you become stuck in its vicious cycle. Just remember that you are never alone and there are people out there who care about you, are there for you, and want the best for you. Don’t be afraid to do what it takes for you to heal, even if that means leaning on them and asking for help when things become a bit too much.  You’ll be okay. Promise. Thanks for reading! How do you cope with stress? Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Let me know in the comments below.